The reunion was celebrated by a scream, a ripping open of the box, a fight between her sisters over who got to pop the bubble wrap, a demand that everyone stop what they were doing and come watch her put it on her bed, and a sharp reprimand from me as she ran across the kitchen, dragging it on the not so clean floor.
And we wonder why she wasn't allowed to touch it before we sent it off.
After the bubble wrap was sufficiently mutilated, Paige joined her upstairs to finally put her own version of "Quite Contrary" on her bed. Her quilt had been finished for almost the same amount of time as Eva's, but in order to maintain a world in which I do not have to listen to "It isn't fair!" 900 times a day, I didn't let her put it on her bed until Eva's came home.
In good news, they seem to work well for lounging.
Pei Pei the panda is also thrilled to have a new quilt. Isn't it pretty in pink, too?
Here's hoping neither of those photos made any realtors who might be reading run from their computers screaming due to the rather wild paint scheme in their room.
So just like in the Bible, we feel we should celebrate the return of our progeny with a party. As there is no fatted calf in my yard to kill and offer you as a prize, I am instead going to give away a copy of the magazine featuring "Quite Contrary" to one lucky winner. Here's how to enter:
1. Become a follower of this blog. One entry.
2. Become a follower on Facebook ( One entry.
3. Already a follower on one or both? Share this blog post on FB! Easy to do from the EPQD page. One entry.
Comment on how you have shared, follower-ed up, or whatever to make your entry (ies) official. Winner will be drawn on Monday, March 12!***
***UPDATE: Carolyn and Amy from Quilters World saw this post last week and decided to promote it on the Quilter's World Facebook page on 3/15. So I'm extending the giveaway drawing until 9:07am on Friday, 3/16. This will give me time to get back from dropping Greta at school and time for all who may wish to enter to do so. WELCOME to all those who are reading and I hope to see you back soon!***
Here's hoping the Boys in Brown bring you something fun this week.
What a wonderful honor and a wonderful quilt (both actually!)!
i became a follpwer
aww, that's so cute and what a COOL room! totally jealous!! happy quilt reunion.
I'm a follower already here btw
I'm now a follower of your blog! :)
I follow you here
I follow you on facebook - and who cares what the realtor says - it's just paint!
I want to enter, in case I can't find one in my town! :o) Still haven't tried the supermarkets though.
Already follow on FB, and shared it on my blog, so do I get two more entries? ;) ...did Greta throw up at school today? ...just checkin'.
(Almanzo did)
We now follow you on FB as Marcia and Margaret W - the butterfly avatar. Congratulations to your daughter for the return of her quilt.
I'm adding you to my reader! Congrats on being a cover girl! Both color schemes look great!
Thank you Eva for letting us use your quilt for Quilter's World Magazine. I hope you know what a lucky little girl you are to own such a special quilt.
Carolyn S. Vagts, editor
Congratulations! I'm a follower!
Hi...wandered over from Kellie's blog to check out your cover quilt...Congratulations!...and you know one of the first things that jumped out at me (aside from the gorgeousness of the quilts of course) was the awesomeness of twin's bedroom colour scheme...I love it!...I'll be following you via Reader...
Shared, and very frustrated that I can't find that dang magazine anywhere! I want one!!!
I love the quilt.... and would love the opportunity to win... And by the way.... I like what you did with the room. Two little ones, each with their own color...and quilt coming together in "harmony".... so glad you have the quilt back! Congrats to all. Debra Lamb
I am a new follower of your blog. Love the quilt.
I am following you on FB for a second chance to win.
I'm now following your blog and facebook page :) I love that quilt - both in blue and pink!!
Love the quilt, might try to do something like this for charity. Looks reasonably quick. Love your color choices... even in the room. I remember when my daughter wanted her room with 3 apple green walls and 1 red one??? Now I love those colors together... (who knew?)
I became a follower and liked on Facebook. Such pretty quilts. Oh, and I really like the paint in your girl's room. Our daughter chose such bright colors that the room glows out into the hallway!
I have joined your blog. I love your colors in both quilts. Keep up the great work!
Love the colors. My bedroom in my first condo was painted the same colors. You do not have to be a child to have these colors in your room.
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