Big decision number two - what silly question to ask you to answer in order to enter? Lucky for me, I have a whole list of slightly off the wall questions at the ready, as one of my regular features here at QHH is "The Hottie Hotseat," wherein I ask members of the quilting community (Julie from Lemon Tree happens to have been one!) to choose some questions from my list to answer so we get to know them on a personal and hopefully thoroughly entertaining level. (If you read Julie's you'll even get to see her actual online shop warehouse. You'll want to visit, but only I am allowed to do that.) I'm pulling one of my favorite questions off "The Burning Questions" document and asking you to answer it in the comments to be entered to win.
"What is your favorite part of your quilting studio? And what would you change about your studio if you could?"
Because you know we all have love/hate relationships with our creative spaces, I can't wait to hear what your own favorite elements are and how if you don't get out the sledgehammer and tear down that wall in the next six months you are going to go insane.
If you're looking for another giveaway opportunity, it just so happens that I am currently hosting my "Who Makes You Say Hubba Hubba" giveaway going on this week as well. I won't say more than that in this post as I don't want to get off topic or break the rules, but I'd hate to have you miss out on the fun if you forgot to scroll down!
Always scroll, hotties. It's our evil plan in blogland to keep you reading all evening and forget entirely to put the kids to bed.
Good luck and I hope to see you back here at QHH again.
1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»My tv, lol. I need back ground noise. I want big windows for my sewing rooms.
More space. I have fabric in bins and always have to move stuff around.
My favorite part is the window right in front of the sewing machine, and watching the sun rise this time of year as I try to sneak in a half hour of sewing before I go to work. Least favorite part? Lack of organization of fabrics. I guess I won't be the only one who says that!
My favorite thing is that my actual sewing area is in my living room, in the center of all that is going on. I would love more lighting though.
I have a comfy couch for naps and I share the space with my hubby. Thanks!
my sewing room is in the basement so I need more natural light for sure
i would love to have a studio. right now i'm sewing on a tv tray where ever there is space.
More storage space?
Sewing studio? That would be fabulous! All my stuff is stored in the closet and gets pulled out into space in the kitchen and dining room when it's time to sew. I do like that I have a lot of space to spread out, but I don't like that I have to put it all away again when I finish for the day.
Favorite part.. my IKEA shelves that are currently all organized and look so pretty!!!
I love having my studio in the living room....right in the middle of everything....Hate having my studio in the living room, so moving to a condo in July with an unfinished basement that will become my studio!
My "studio" is also my office for work. I love that it has a door, but I hate looking at the fabric while trying to work. Makes for a long day!
I love that I have a seperate sewing and cutting table- so helpful! I hate that I don't have a fairy or helper that walks behind me putting things back in their place once I'm through with them! ha!
I LOLed at your post title!
What is your favorite part of your quilting studio? I love that there is plenty of natural light streaming into the room. I love that my sewing machine is out on a table, plugged in and ready to go. I love that I have an ironing table also ready to go.
And what would you change about your studio if you could? I have a closet in there where the space is very poorly utilized, I'd like to make a custom closet someday. And I'd like to put in a design wall rather than using the floor!
I love that my quilting/sewing room is in the quiet room of the house, and I can close the door on the messiness when needed. I wish the best machine quilting corner had a bit more light, but I'm just happy to have a room dedicated to sewing!
My favorite part of my sewing space is that it's a room of my own! I don't have to share it with anyone. It's small, but it's mine. I'm currently in the process of redecorating it, so I would say the thing I need to change is I need more shelving.
I really need some shelving to sort my piles of fabric -right now I have fabric in plastic tubs that I dig through every time I make something new.
tgreen (at) asis (dot) com
Oh what a touchy subject for me right now. I have literally been walking in there and just turning and closing the door. I have a small space and it needs to be reorganized in such a bad way! I am very lucky to have a room, no matter how small just for sewimg, but I am not organized when doing projects so I just put stuff here and there. Well it has caught up with me.
My favorite part of my sewing room is the natural light I get from the sliding doors and my least favorite is having some fabric in bins. I hate having to dig thru them to find that one piece of fabric I know is there somewhere.
I am lucky to have a spare bedroom as a sewing studio, so my favorite part is that I have a dedicated space. With a door that closes. The one thing I would change is to make it bigger. Double the size maybe, or triple it. Then I could move some things up from the basement. But really, who am I kidding, I'd fill it up no matter how huge it was.
I have two closets in my sewing room. TWO. I love that. The carpeted floor is my pet peeve, but I can't complain too much because I actually have a sewing room. With two closets!
I would love to have a dedicated sewing space, but, alas it is not to be right now. I've been putting my sewing machine in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on my mischievous 3yo! So, the thing I would change is less someone trying to steal my sewing pins... Thanks!
I absolutely love my ironing table -- as a matte of fact i wrote an entire blog about it. I would change how my fabric is stored.
My favorite part of my sewing room is the bay window that I can look out, on those occasions when I look up from the sewing machine! Awesome view of the surrounding mountains and the neighbor's horses. Guess I would want the room to be bigger. Always bigger.
I wish I had my own crafting room, but I do like that I have a table by the window. :)
Like most quilters I love my fabric and Rhinestone stash. I enjoy taking out color groups and sorting thru the pieces. Biggest wish is a larger ironing space.
My favorite part is that I have lots of windows and light!! My least fave is that I need more shelf space!
I need to get my sewing area out of the kitchen. It is at the back door and every time someone comes in with something in their hands, it goes on my sewing desk. I have enough of my own junk to clutter it, I don't need theirs also!! lol
I love that my space has so much natural light. I wish that I didn't share with the toy room... I love being clean and organized before I start on projects, so I'm always pick up toys. I have to say, I love that my boys are close by when I sew, so it's a good thing too!
I'm in the kitchen and I love that I'm in the middle of the house, can see all that is going on!
My favorite part of my quilting area is that I have all of my fabrics in shelves so I can see it all! The thing I'd change would be I'd make it BIGGER and BRIGHTER! LOL! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to have a quilting studio. I would change everything. I need more space.
I love the table my husband built me for my sewing room. I hate how my sewing mess takes over our house!
I love that my sewing space is in our kids' playroom (basically the unused living room since we also have a family room), but I really, really wish that I had a real desk. The folding table I've been using for years now is functional but not pretty at all. Thanks for the chance to win!
I want better lighting and a big ole sky hook to hold my quilts while I free motion quilting them!!!
I wish I had more natural lighting but I love that my table has a hole to thread the machine cords through.
Best thing is the door which I can close! Worst thing is the poor lighting (seems to be a common theme!)
Favorite - that my sewing machine faces the TV so I can watch shows while I work.
Least favorite - that my sewing space is in the middle of the living room!
I don't have a quilting studio. I sew in a small space that's reserved for me. I would love to just have a room to close off and leave my mess for another day but no such luck.
Beth I am presently satisfied with my sewing studio but if money were no object I would love for it to be bigger, maybe add some French doors leading to the outside too
I'm happy to have a whole bedroom as my sewing space, and since that's new for me, I love that I can make a mess and close the door. Not a shared space! Spetzie at att dot net
I love that my room is in the cellar and I can sew without interruption(usually). I also have a shelf going across one side of my room that has fabric sorted by light - dark in pretty baskets.
The thing I hate is that the same fabric that is in baskets is sorted for a project that I started about 10 years ago. The project is quite intense and I have not had much time to work on it due to my job. Someday thought, it is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
B. Klein (W. Townsend)
my favorite part of my sewing room is my book case of carefully folded fabric organized by color. Problem with that is I'm reluctant to reach into the stash to take away from my display! Least is I don't have a designated ironing area quite yet! Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite thing is the wall of shelves filled with fabric. If I could change anything, I would make it twice the size it is right now.
I love my large sewing space. But hate that it is in the basement...would love windows.
I love having a spot for quilting. However, also, share with a guest bed. I would think it would be perfect if that bed could be removed!! No guest?? Well, I like guests so will have to live with the bed.
My favorite spot is my bin of Japanese yukata fabric. I really hate all the little scarps under my sewing table!
I am super grateful for my awesome space. However, I wish my built-in desk/ sewing table was about 3 inches taller and 6 inches wider.
glazefamily3 AT gmail.com
I am pleased that I have a separate area to sew. But I would make it a little bigger, as I am sharing my sewing space with my laundry room :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that I face the window when I sew, but I wish my sewing table was a bit bigger!
I love my home made design wall. Thanks, Hub! I'd really like an actual studio, not the dining room table and no storage. ::sigh::
My favorite part is the fact that I have one, and it is right in the center of the house. I would love some more space to put my fabric in...
I would love yo have a sewing room. thanks
Ok I'm answering the questions in reverse order--I used to hate how dark my sewing room was (old 70s wood paneling den with one window). Now my favorite feature is the Solatube we put in! And the light grey paint! What I want to change next is the ironing table--it is warped and flimsy!
The best thing about my sewing room is that it's MY space, and I can mess it up as much as I want. The thing I would want to change is to make it bigger. I seem to have accumulated a large amount of fabric!!
My favorite part about my sewing room is that I have a sewing room. It's a real luxury that many people don't have to devote a whole room to your art. My least favorite part is my fabric closet. All my fabric is in plastic bins, which is okay, but if I need the bottom bin I have to move all the ones on top. Some sort of shelving system would be awesome.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite part is the fact that I have one!
Least favorite is that it's an unfinished section of my basement :(
ellascottage at inspired-design dot ca
My favorite part is that I can walk out of the room and close the door behind me leaving the mess to itself.
I love just having a studio because I spent 15+ years sewing in the garage and then my dining room. I wish my studio was brighter and cheerier!
I live in a two-bedroom townhouse, so I don't really have a quilting studio--I use the living room after the kids are in bed (or if they aren't home). I love the gigantic half-wall window that looks out onto our woods. I might (someday) opt for a better sewing table, as I tend to set up my sewing machine on the toddler-size table (sometimes I sit on the toddler-size chairs, and sometimes I sit on the couch).
I love my new sewing table! I just published a new blog post about it! Now I need more fabric to fill it up!
My studio????If only I had one...my studio is in my dining room on my table, and plastic bins in the garage...but it does work and I am thankful.
I love that mine is so big, but I wish I had more wall space. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm so thankful to have a sewing room! I love my Janome and my wall to wall Ikea cabinets that my QHH (Quilting Hottie Hubby) put together for me...6 cabinets side by side...( Yes he's a gem). My wonderful space is sort of a loft, so I'd love a door to hide the creative mess...but I think I could honestly do without the door if it had an APQS Millenium!
I love my studio, it was designed by me and made by my sons one Mothers day, I do wish the window was bigger..... oh, and it had space for a big scene TV
I guess I would say having space to leave up my sewing machine in my bedroom, and having a whole half closet for fabric! I know this sounds kind of lame, but we have never lived where I had enough space to leave everything up until now, and I just love it! sarah@forrussia.org
More space to sew!
Favorite thing is that I finally have a room dedicated to sewing...I'd like to change the fact that it is in CONSTANT disarray!
I quilt in a tiny 9x10 office, sharing space with a computer desk & bookcase. I wish it were bigger so I could baste quilts and have a design wall.
My favorite part is my big Ikea table. I wish I had more space for everything else though!
My studio is the kitchen table in my dining/living room. The only good thing about that is the large window that gives me lots of light. I would love to have a studio where I can close the door and don't have to worry about picking everything up so that my cats don't get into trouble. I would also love to have storage space instead of buckets with supplies and fabric everywhere. Thank you for sharing!
My creative "studio" is a desk next to the dining table, so I'd love to actually have a studio, LOL.
Favourite part: that I have it all organized. It could be tidier, but at least it's organized.
And I would love to have a studio (I have the kitchen table and a very small cupboard).
I love the shelves I keep mini fabric bolts on. Husband snagged them at a community college auction. I am to otally over sharing my bedroom with my sewing room.
I don't have a separate quilting space and would love to update my machine. I just started quilting and am very excited about it!
I would love to get the spiders evicted from my shop...working on that now. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I love my huge dining room table, now called the sewing table. I wish I had better lighting.
My favorite part is my pegboard which holds all sorts of notions, etc. but I would really love more space (I'm in a large closet!)
I love the fact that I have a sewing studio at all! It's such a luxury to be able to shut everyone out...erm, I mean, keep my mess hidden.
I do wish it had a good cutting bench though. Oh and I wish I could keep my studio, but my husband looked at me funny and now I'm pregnant again so the baby has to sleep somewhere ;-)
I love my sewing table in front of double windows. I hate how crowded my room is.
Love that I have my own space, hate the fact that I sew on an IKEA table and it wabbles, but can't tell the hubby cause he bought it just so I could sew on it, so now I am back at the kitchen table(in secret).
Thanks for your giveaway! I love that I have a large dining room table to leave all of my stuff out on, but I wish I it was in my own sewing room so it could be a creative explosion!
My fave is my sewing machine and I could wish for a larger design wall
my favourite thing about my studio is that it exists and is a pretty big room. There is a lot I'd change about it, the whole room needs rearranging and I need a higher, larger cutting table.
ps I'm a grammar fiend too... I hate the misuse of apostrophes.
My favorite thing (other than your RHCP reference :D) is that I get to leave my stuff out all the time and don't have to clear off the table to eat dinner or something. My least favorite part is that it leads me to have piles completely surrounding the space that the cat knocks over.... not pretty.
At the moment my 'studio', also my bedroom, is in the garage, so it's very cold and draughty. While it's roomy and I like that, I'd love some proper walls and insulation!
My favorite part of my studio is that I can leave a mess and no one but me can see it the least favorite part is cleaning it up after making a project
I don't really have a studio, but just put my sewing machine on a work table in our basement. I hate not having a stool/chair, but at the same time I like standing while I sew -sometimes.
I'm in the spare room and it's just a tad bit small, would love a tv in it to be honest or alternatively would love a new studio in the garden.
I don't actually have a favorite place in my sewing room...I would definitely like more light and a longarm quilting machine...why not? I don't know where I would put it...I can always dream right?
I am blessed to have a sewing room, but I'd like to fix it up, paint it, organize and do some mini quilts to hang on the wall
I don't have a quilting studio. I quilt on my dining room table. I would love to have a studio.
I just turned my office/TV room/sewing room into a sewing room only with a TV in it. Much less crowded than before but I could always use more space.
I wish I had more space! but my favorite thing is definitely my sewing machine - I just got a Juki!
I love the lamp next to my sewing machine. I really wish there was more table space around my machine, though, and I really hate how my ironing board is across the house.
The best part is that my machine is in front of a window. The worst... oh so many things. Miniscule desk, having to move my machine to cut fabric, and poor night lighting. But I have a tiny corner of space and it's good enough to keep sewing!
I love having great storage space for my fabric. I'd love to have a bigger ironing space.
my favorite thing about my sewing room is that I have one! I spent the first 10 years of my quilting life without a room and had to spread out all over the kitchen. My least favorite part is that my sewing room is so small. When we finally get around to building our dream home (just bought the lot!), I will have a big, beautiful sewing room.
I don't have a quilting space! I would love to not have to be constantly moving my machine every time I want to sew!
I'm lucky enough to have a full-size room for quilting complete with a large (made for) sewing table, a cutting table and ironing board.
What I'd like is a design wall and better fabric storage (I'm using plastic tubs).
I wish I had a studio at all, right now I have a table in the corner of my living room, not at all optional. And I am not a quilter, just a sewer ;)
jachelno at gmail dot com
My favorite part is my work table that my husband made for me from a solid door, without any nails. My least favorite - I need a bulletin board and don't have one.
I love that I have room to myself that's big enough for a separate cutting/sewing and ironing space and enough floor to lay out a crib quilt for basting! But the light isn't great, I could use more horizontal space as well as more storage. And since I'm dreaming, I'd love to bump out at least one wall so that I have more vertical space instead of angled ceilings. Thanks for this chance!
The best part of my sewing area is the huge window that overlooks my lovely park-like back yard. Unfortunately, the space is also known as the DINING ROOM, and I hate always seeing the sewing clutter and having to move stuff off the table in order to eat supper!
I love that I don't have to share my space with anyone else in the house. I do wish for a design wall, though.
I wish I had it better organized, larger cutting table i work in the dinning room, the computer closer. More Fabric oops that slipped out....
i love that there is a space for the kids to play while i sew but i hate that it's in the basement so the lighting is awful!
My semi-industrial Juki!
We just moved to a new house this weekend so I haven't got to set up my "new" sewing studio yet. But it's in the basement, and although it's finished I still think it's slightly creepy lol
Love my design wall 8' by 16'. Nanarue1946@gmail.com
I love having a sewing room, but it is so small. I would love a space large enough for a comfortable chair that my husband could relax in while I am sewing!
My 'cave' is just my side of the bedroom I share with a very patient and loving spouse who splits his closet with me so mine can be used to store fabric and doesn't freak out at the occasional pin that finds it's way to his side of the bed. The front wall is all windows so the natural light is fantastic. Except at night.
My favorite part of my "studio" is that my machine is next to the window where the humming bird feeder is. My lease favorite part - well… my studio is also the dining room! Would love to have my own room!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite part of my sewing space is that it's the dining room and still part of the family space. So kids can come hang out with me easily or I can be cooking in the next door kitchen and pop over for my fix!
My least favorite part is that their is a fireplace. We don't use the fireplace and it keeps that whole wall unusable. First world problems right!?
I guess I don't really have a "sewing place". If you could see the places I've set up my machine you may laugh. Right now I set my machine up on the dining table when sewing and stash it on the floor behind this short wall when not. My favorite thing about what I have for sewing space right now is that it is right in the middle of everything. It helps me work through projects thoughtfully and know when to not "set up" shop and just hang out with my kids.
I need one first. My wish list is long though a cutting table with storage. A window so I can get natural light and watch the birds. A design wall, pegboard for organizing items. A cabinet for my fabric stash(big). Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm grateful that I have a place to sew (one corner of a desk in our room) but I desperately want a sewing area of my own. A separate place to sew and cut and some storage for my fabric!!!
My favorite thing about my sewing studio is that it is finally organized and I put it together finding some great finds on craigslist. The unfortunate thing is that it is in my basement so I have to rely on lights not, daylight.
I love that my sewing room is large and has a window to the back yard. I don't like that I am in the basement away from the activity of the rest of the family.
Love the air and light, hate that stuff is in different rooms.
24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
An actual studio...I'm using the dining room table. Nothing to love about it!
I like the natural light that my area gets, but I would be happier if the space was larger.
Love the oversized window by my cutting table. Hate my sewing table (banquet table). Someday I will have an actual cabinet where my machine fits even with the top.
I have my studio in a loft. I like best my room-wide north facing window with full-length counter below. What would I change? Instead of a loft, I would extend the floor all the way to the full-length SOUTH facing window! Who wouldn't use more space!!!!!
I love my display of handmade odds and ends in the built in bookshelf in my sewing room! As far as what I would change... I really need to have a better system for organizing my tiny notions!
My favorite thing is my fabric closet , I just got done organizing it!
I love that finally after years of sewing I have my own sewing room and it has a window and everything. What I would change is that I would love it to be bigger.
I'm actually redoing my sewing spaces. My longarm room is just too cozy so it's moving to a larger space. I'm making more shelves so I can be more organized with all my supplies. Presently I love my window, sewing machine location but they are all going to change. I hope I can settle in and we can all be happy together. Thanks.
I would love to have my own sewing space. I have a table I can put my sewing machine on in the living room. I do like to watch TV while I sew though :)
More natural lighting and more storage space!
I guess the favorite thing about my sewing space, are the large windows, which allow me to see colors the way they are meant to be seen, even though it is in the basement. I would love to be able to afford a new sewing machine, but I'll make due with the one I have. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I love my CD player as I always listen to audio books when Im sewing :) If a good fairy listens right now a wee bit more sewing space would be awesome ;) xoxo
I hate the fact that my fabric storage is in a different room than where I sew. One day, please let it be one day, I will have a REAL studio.
just in case: m3reyna at gmail dot com
My favorite part is that I finally have a quilting desk! I was able to upgrade from my dining room table at Christmas! If I could change anything it would be to have a billion shelves installed for fabric and notions
amy.forkner at gmail dot com
I love my --recently updated--sewing room. The best part is the glass fronted cabinet that lets me see my fabric while it stays dust-free.
My quilt studio is a small small bedroom. What I like best is the placement of my sewing machine - smack dab in the middle of the room. That way I get light from both the south window and the west window. What I like least is my storage space - a closet the width of the small door.
I really like the chair at my sewing machine it is comfy and the perfect height I went thru a lot of chairs before I hit on this one. What I hate is the pink walls that were there when we moved in and I hate even more that I am to lazy to move everything out of the room and paint them
My favorite part of my quilting studio is how it is decorated. Least favorite... wish it was larger.
Kathy Davis
I love the French doors that let in all that wonderful light! Wish my area wasn't so tiny though. I'd love to have room for a full size design wall!!
My favourite thing about my quilting studio is the two large tables I put together for my quilting table. What would I like to change? I want everything that isn't part of my quilting life out of the room!!
wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com
i love that there is access to my tv while i sew
I love that I have a lot of space, as it's taken up a 1/4 part of my unfinished basement where I've put down carpet. The part I hate is that I can't put anything on the walls!
My studio is my dining room, so I'm close to all my family. Great giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing
I love the desk that the machine is on, but I can't wait until I get my own sewing room!
The thing I would love to change most about my quilting room, is the fact that it's in my basement, and I have absolutely NO natural light, and it is always too dark, and too cold.
The thing I love about my quilting area is that it's in my bedroom and easy to get to. What I hate is that it's in my bedroom and it seems as if I never come out! Lol! Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite part is that I don't have to share the space with anyone so I can scatter about as I see fit. If I could change anything, I wish I had a nice sewing table that my machine could fit into. Thanks!
My sewing room is my walk in closet, so I would love to have some more room. But I do have a big window in there that I love!
OK, I really thought you'd ask something weird! I'd like overhead lighting because there's lots of windows but tall ceilings so once night falls I can't really get it lit well. Then again, I have a giant space so I can't be too unhappy!
Ha! Studio! That would be great, I currently sew in my hallway so everything would be an improvement on that but No. 1 would be a room all to myself!
I hate how I have not enough space. ..I want room for everything! ! But I love my computer in there :)
My favourite thing in my sewing area (no studio but a girl can dream, right?) is my sewing machine, a Janome MC6600P - I love it & it's such a great machine for quilting. Thanks for the great giveaway.
My sewing space is small - not so great for all the stuff I have in there. But it is great for being able to cut, sew and iron without having to travel too far. :)
I love my ironing set up. And if I could change anything, I would add additional room. I never seem to have enough space. :)
My favourite part is the door, i can close it and forget about the rest of the house and the cleaning i should be doing! My least favourite part is my somewhat disorganised, little bit too small cupboard, but I am planning on upgrading, I just need to find the perfect one to replace it with!
I like the cabinet with glass doors that lets me see my stash while keeping the dust out.
I have only one small corner in my house so would love to have a whole room!
My favorite part is the way I have everything organized and the least favorite is it's too small. I have it in a spare bedroom.
My favorite part is that it is a loft over my kitchen/dining room so I still feel a part of the household the least favorite is storage space!
I, too, love that my sewing room is in my living room, but I'd like more light. Off topic, I'm saying "Adorbsballs" multiple times every day from now on.
My sewing machine, of course! It's a super old and SUPER HEAVY White, and it does it's job perfectly! I wish my sewing room were an entire room of it's own and not in my bedroom.
I don't have a studio, just a corner of the bedroom. My favorite thing is my Juki f600. Thanks for the giveaway.
i like my sewing space at the moment. i could always use some more shelves though.
My studio is my living/dining room, so I would like to have my own room for quilting, and I would really loooove a design wall.
It is my space. The big window helps too. It is so nice and peaceful to look out the window and see what is going on outside. It is just sometimes a peaceful feeling without feeling boxed in. I like to go shopping for fabric, so thank you for the chance to win those awesome generous gift certificate. Always need fabric and will always want more fabric.
Sandi Timmons
I love the built-ins and my closet in my quilting studio, but I wish I had a lot more space for more tables and such! ahh!
I love my big desk, but I have to share my room with my kids. One half is mt craft room. The other half is their playroom.
When we moved to Florida to be nearer to our kids, we left behind all of our furniture, and had it auctioned off at our favorite country auction. We kept only one piece - our cherished walnut (diningroom) table that I have used as a cutting table for years. It was purchased at the Salvation Army in South Bend, Indiana in 1968 and I love it!
I love my sewing machines! I would love to get around to painting the walls, though
I love my sewing machines ! I wish I had a little more room that children didn't destroy, where I could lay out quilts etc.
I love the natural light in my room. I need better/more storage space, even simple bookcases would be fine!
I love that my space is in the tv room, I love to spend time with my kids. I wish that I had a better sewing machine.
I like the raised table in the center of the room that I use for designing, layout and cutting. I would like to have more room to move around that table and to have my sewing machine in the same room.
I would love to have a studio so I don't have to keep putting my machine away!!
Well, my studio is the dining room table... so there's not a whole lot to like about it! I'd like better light, and somewhere to keep things set up.
More craft space and more storage space.Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.
Favorite part is definitely my sewing table, but I'd love more windows (for better light!)
My television is my very favorite part. I sew in a bonus room and set up my machine on a coffee table while I sit on the floor. I set it up and take it down almost every time I have to sew. sigh.
My sewing area has awesome lighting, both natural and store bought. I would love a studio but what I have is a family room with woodstove and sofa, tv too.
I love my pegboard, but i need more trash cans/desginated crap areas!
If I could add something it would be a good place to cut fabric. I love my machine etc. Cute fabric, BTW.
i love my cubicle wall of fabric, but what i hate is having such a full wall. lol must quilt more
ps. thankyou for using numbers in your capta
Well, my "studio" is in my dining room, so there's a lot I would change. If I had a real studio, I would love to have a table in which my machine is inset to make FMQ easier--or even possible.
I love my cutting table which is my husbands old architectural table. Strong and sturdy and BIG! We literally had to cut it apart to fit it in the room, so if I could have something different it would be a bigger room!
Love my giant cutting table. Hate my chair - I can never seem to adjust it perfectly when I sit down to sew.
i love the expanding file i got to store all my patterns. they were getting out of hand before that little investment. i'm less enamored of the fact that my "sewing studio" is a big table in the living room. which means i pretty much can't get anything accomplished if the baby is around. she cries if i don't let her climb in my chair (god forbid i sit in my chair), she crawls under the table & plays with my foot pedal, she immediately tries to eat any thread or scraps that fall on the floor...maybe someday i'll have a sewing space with a door i can close!
My favorite spot is my cutting table because it's where I have the most space!
I would add more shelves and some paint to the walls to pretty the place up!!
I don't have a studio, so that would be what I definitely change! My favorite part of the sewing area is my Bernina!
I wish I had a bigger cutting table and a TV. I think I would stay on track better with some distraction.
My sewing area is an alcove at the end of my living room. It started out as just a table for my sewing machine but has grown a lot to include lots of storage, etc. What I would love to change is the storage "furniture"...I have put together a mismatch of drawers, cubbies, etc. I would love to be able to afford to have built ins made by a real craftsman! Unless I win the lottery, I guess I had better dream on!
Love my shelf with odds and ends, it looks so pretty
Well my "studio" is my bedroom! I love that my machine used to be my great aunt's!
i need better lighting and more room for my ironing board! thanks
I sew in my bedroom. I love that I have a sewing cabinet that I can close up and hide everything away in (well, not everything--luckily I can fit a lot of project boxes under the bed as well!)
I am very lucky that at last (since we last moved) I actually have a sewing room and it is quite a nice size. My favourite part is the large window that I put my sewing machine table in front of so that I get lovely light and fresh air if I want it and a lovely view. I also really like the thread rack that my husband just made for me - 4 little shelves wide enough for the largest spool of thread, with a brass pin on the shelf edge to house to matching bobbin. With all the thread in colour blocks it is very pretty to look at. The thing I hate is that none of my fabric is in any kind of order just in bins and stacked at random on shelves.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
My studio is my sewing machine on my dining room table. My sewing machine is my favorite part. I'd have an actual room for sewing and quilting if I could.
I like the couch so when Im done quilting I can take a nap
My studio- ha!! More like the space I share with an obscene amount of toys and books and my husband's sometimes work desk. Light is both my favorite and least favorite part- during the day it is amazing (3 walls of windows) at night not so much (one row of bad 80's track lighting). Thanks- your site is so fun! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com
I have a reasonable amount of space to work, but I wish I had a little room, instead of my bedroom which I share with my husband who sometimes wants to nap when I want to sew!
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