The "Drop and Give Me Twenty" challenge, aka "Sew Your Face Off in February", may be over, and you may think I gave my sewing machine a much needed break, but no. This weekend my husband earned his daddy stripes well and pretty much took over so I could (almost) finish another top. Man my studio is an utter disaster again after all this sewing. I think my next challenge will be "Who Can Clean Their Sewing Studio the Fastest" as that is the only thing that might motivate me.
But my biggest excitement this weekend was learning that the April/May issue of Quilter's World had softly begun creeping onto newsstands, and since I had not yet gotten my hands on a copy and therefore had not yet seen the actual article, Saturday afternoon I went out in search of this elusive beast. Imagine my joy when I found a stack of them at Shaws supermarket. I'm imagining your shock when I tell you I actually left a few there.
Did my little happy dance in the magazine aisle, then decided I would pay for them (I'm not a criminal, after all) and drive over to Barnes and Noble where I could get a tea and read it at my leisure. A lovely plan.
Reality: I barely made it to the car before I had to tear the thing open and gaze at my pattern in there.

I apologize for my geekiness, and I promise that by my ninth or tenth time as a cover girl, I'll cut it out. Maybe.
"Quite Contrary" was written as a "stash management" project and as much as I love the fact that I made it onto the cover, I also really really love the project, which is unbelievably easy, uses supplies you likely already have at home (hence, stash management), and is great for showing off big, fat, modern prints. I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think!
So on to March and what is next. My major February project of getting my group quilt blocks made up into a cover quilt for my next pattern and writing said pattern will all result in a pattern debut next week. Stay tuned for the "Kickin' Stash" Kickoff blog-a-round March 12-17 (see blog button above), and you'll get an opportunity to check out some blogs by some of the quilters who participated in the group project and find out how much fun they had. I've got some really cool blogs lined up, and you won't want to miss them!
Also in blogland, I'm planning to have guest bloggers here at QHH during the month of April. (Side note, everytime I write QHH I think it looks like a home shopping network. Not a line of work I want to get into.) If you might be interested in being a guest blogger during the month of April, please email me at and let me know. We'll work out all the details!
Thanks for your continued reading!
Congrats again! WooHOo! I will have to find one of those. Hadn't thought about looking in supermarkets, though. Thanks for the tip. :o) Hooray blog-around! I would volunteer to guest post, but really who would want to read about my dog, mishaps in motherhood, and Swoon mistakes. LOL
No computer withdrawal here~ I am INTENTIONALLY avoiding the dang machine! I never blogged so much in my life. I'd consider it an honor to be considered as a guest blogger so you can slack off, I mean, take a break for a day
Beth - I have this magazine and said to myself "I have to make this wonderful quilt"!!! I had no idea it was your design!! Super great job - I love, love, love it!!! Kris
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