Starting September 19, and continuing weekly, you'll be able to follow along right here with some lessons and tutorials that will break this project down into doability! Is that a word? Who cares! You'll have the ability to do it without being overwhelmed by any one step, while hopefully sharing some of your photos and experiences with myself and each other and encouraging each other along the way. I call that doability. You may call it whatever you like. But call it something, and plan to participate!
Schedule - I'm putting it here because I'm about to get all talkative about this QAL and I don't want you to have to scroll far to find the links:
1998 special |
As much as I love the teals and reds and overall effect of the nine block quilt that is the main project, I'm not going to lie. These blocks have a lot of fabrics in them, and do take a little while to make. The beauty of them was so much fun to discover every time I cut up a new accordion to create a block. I'd never been a huge teal and red fan, but this quilt turned me.
As those of you who own Oompah! already have discoered, each project has some alternate options, be it colorways, sizes, or what have you. For Hurdy Gurdy, I decided to have the alternate project be a three block table runner set on point, because sometimes that's all we have time for, and this project needs to be made by everyone on earth. But some of us on earth are pretty busy what with all our carpooling, looking for missing socks, etc, and maybe only have time for three blocks. That's totally awesome! You can see what great quilts three blocks makes! My testers Barbara and Linda rocked the house. Or barn. Or apple orchard as the photographic case may be.
If you join us on this QAL journey, you may make either the full quilt or the runner. Full disclosure, I'm doing the runner! It will make a lovely gift for someone and it's doable in my time. Plus I already made the full one, didn't I? And it is amazing. I'd hate to have to have another equally amazing Hurdy Gurdy quilt. That just seems greedy.
The QAL will officially start on September 19, 2018, but if you come to us from the future, say hi to Marty McFly on the way, and join anytime! The tutorials on this blog are never scheduled to go away! And now for the details!
How Much Does this Cost?: Yes, let's get that one out of the way immediately. The only cost to you for this QAL is a copy of my book, "Oompah! Jazz Up Your Scrap Quilts With the Accordion Sewn HSTs™ Method". The book is available on my website, at many local quilt shops across the country (ask for it if they don't have it! I love supporting quilt shops and I having them support me!), or even on Amazon. The actual delight of taking a virtual class with me is completely free, and the best money you will spend all year!
Where and when can I find all the tutorials? See the "Hurdy Gurdy Quiltalong" page up there on the main bar of this blog? Hit that and it leads you to the main page, which is this page, where the links to each tutorial is in the schedule at the top. The links will become live on the dates listed!
What If I Don't Start On Time? There is no on time. Start when you like, use the tutorials at your own pace. As Mr. Quilting Hottie says, much to my annoyance most of the time, this is all about "Git 'Er Done."

Sticking with the QAL will allow you to finish this lovely quilt along with others doing the same. Wouldn't you rather have the fun and learning of working on this quilt with all the info at your fingertips rather than spending hours upon hours trying to figure out how I created this pattern, how big the pieces are, how many to cut, etc just from photos? Especially if you've never accordion sewn? That would be a disaster. As the designer, I already spent hours upon hours and weeks upon weeks and months upon months developing the method and figuring out all the details (as well as editing, testing, and writing it all) FOR you. With any luck, you'll even love more than one pattern in the book! And I'm pretty sure you will. I mean, look at that cover quilt alone! Oompah! also includes so many detailed instructions on the actual accordioning process that you will never be able to mess it up. Please respect the work designers put into books and patterns, and use them rather than try to recreate them. We love doing it for you and appreciate your support, without which we couldn't keep coming up with new ideas.
Where Can I Share Photos? Am I Allowed to Blog About This?
Share away! I've started the IG hashtag #hurdygurdyqal, and share any time on your own FB pages or any other social media you like. All I ask is that you use the name of the book, pattern, and/or my company name (EvaPaige Quilt Designs) in the posts. If you have a blog and want to write about your fun with this QAL, go right ahead! There's even a blog button (top right column of this blog) you can grab and post on your own blog.
Also, I have a FB group, Quilting Along with EPQD, which can be used for any of my QALs, mysteries, or sharing of any photos of any projects you make from my patterns. and if you care to join and share your photos, chat with others doing it, or get notifications from me about tutorials going up, etc, please join us!
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm!
1 comment:
September 19th!?! Did you know that is "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"? Hurdy Gurdy and Pirates, Oh My! Check this out: I think this is a great combination.
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