It's October, which means it's EPQD's birthday month. I'm registered at Bunkhouse quilt shop if you care to send a gift. (Totally kidding! But I'll shamelessly plug http://www.bunkhousequiltshop.com/ because it is awesome.)
Anyway, birthdays generally do mean gifts, but in this case I'd like to give a gift if possible in memory of my next door neighbor, Kimberly Francis, who died five years ago next month at the age of 41 from ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Kim was a great neighbor, but also a great big reason that I took the plunge from hobby quilter to designer and I've really never had the ability to give back in a quilty way until now.
In the spring of 2005, Kim showed up at my door and said "I have a job for you." I wasn't looking for a job, but I trusted her and listened to her proposal. She had a friend who needed a t-shirt quilt made for her daughter, an accomplished amateur figure skater. Did I want to help out? What the heck, I figured, it'll give me something to do besides sing "The Wheels on the Bus" 56 times a day.
I made the quilt and GOT PAID for doing something I enjoy. Holy cow. It was a revelation. A few months later "Feelin' Hot Hot Pink", my first pattern and still one of my faves, was born when I decided to try my hand at designing. I had started something I never knew I was going to, and it began with a nudge from an unexpected place.
Kim was diagnosed that next winter and unfortunately succumbed very quickly to this awful disease. We miss her in the neighborhood, and on the five year anniversary of her passing, I feel strongly about doing something to honor her memory and the part she played in the birth of EPQD.
To celebrate Kim's memory, I am hoping to donate the lecture fee ($300) from any lectures booked in November and December to the ALS Association Massachusetts chapter. I know most guilds probably have plans in those months, but if yours doesn't, or you know a guild who is in need of a program, this is a great way to help both of us give back, so please spread the word!**
In addition, from now until the end of 2011, I will donate 20% of all sales of my "Sunflower and Sky" pattern and/or kits to ALS Association of Massachusetts, the sunflower being the adopted symbol of hope for ALS patients. Patterns are $9.00, kits containing all you need for the top and binding are $30. Wholesale orders (pattern only) will also apply to this donation.
Thank you as always for your support. Please spread the word if you can!
**Donation of entire lecture fee of $300 only. Guild pays for lecture, moneys are then donated by me to ALS. Copies of proof of donation will be sent to guild. Mileage, housing, per diem, product sales (other than sunflower), etc not included in donation.
1 comment:
I didn't think that I could ever think any more of you, but I was wrong... you are the bomb. The hottest of The Hotties. The Cook-iest of The Cookies!
Signed, one of your many fans!
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