It's Christmas Quilt Show time!
I would like to thank Michelle Hester for taking over Sew Cal Gal's annual "Christmas Quilt Show" this year. Had she not done so, I have no doubt the project I am about to show would still, two years after I started it, be languishing forlornly on my UFO apple ladder, perhaps indefinitely.
Back in August, I decided to finish this project 1. For the 2012 Christmas season, 2. Because I was tired of feeling guilty about it being 75% done, and 3. For SewCalGal's show, since I didn't have anything else Christmas-y to show this year. Imagine my panic when I heard she was looking for someone else to take over. If there was no CQS, what reason would I have to finish it? Ever?
Finish it I did, about 20 minutes ago. I thank you all for not mentioning that I am late to the party. Here is my excuse: It may have been 75% done, but it still took me ALL of yesterday to finish quilting. Why?
Because I am famous for quilting the hell out of things.
More on that in a moment. For now, the particulars. This is a Sue Pelland design called "Christmas Ribbons" which I started two years ago when Sue came to my guild and taught her "Leaves Galore" quick curved applique shapes method with her cool rulers. The top was almost finished in class (I think I still had the flowers to do, but finished those the next day) and was so quick because it is a whole cloth applique design, no piecing required.
For the machine applique, I played with some of the fun stitches my machine will allow. Even the most basic machines usually have a few fun decorative stitches, and I am always encouraging my students to try new things with what they have and add some fun threads to boot; I'm also good at walking the walk.
Some sort of funky stitch along the edge of the leaves using variegated dark green thread. |
So all of that decorative stitching was fun and adds a lot to the project. As you can see in the poinsettia photo, I also added a gathered tulle ribbon to the center. This serves to not only add some cool dimension and shimmer, but also covers up the awkwardness where all the petal points came together. I may or may not eventually add some jewels to this piece. Right now I really just am enjoying the fact that it is done enough to hang up.
The crowning glory of this piece is the quilting. I may or may not have gone completely insane, but in sandwiching the quilt, which was my first "wholecloth" style project, it was apparent to me that the whole thing was not going to lay flat unless I quilted it into submission. Fantastic. Let me just block off 35 hours to do so.
This photo shows my quilting, which is best described as "that crinkly look you get after you wash a quilt which has been quilted by a normal human being." It is as close as I will ever come to those crazy insane quilts in shows where people stand in front of them and go "LOOK AT THAT QUILTING! That must have taken her years!"
It did. Bow low to those ladies, hotties. This is about 32" x 46" and took me for. ever. The resulting quilt also weighs about 45 pounds and probably has enough thread on it to reach to the state line and back 6 times, and I am not even exaggerating. Keep in mind I am about 1 mile from the state line, but still.
I'm very proud of this finished project and I hope you enjoyed it. I invite you to let me know what you think, and also to make sure to check out all the other lovely entries in Christmas Quilt Show 2012!
lovely quilt, and a good grammar lesson lol... btw, you are linked twice to the quilt show and the first one doesn't work :)
Great Job. I love the ribbons down the side. Elizabeth
Yeah, but Mass. is that large a state...
Good job on the quilt, though. It's turned out great.
(oops, should have been "Mass is NOT that large a state!)
I think we all have projects that have sat and waited their 'turn'. Very lovely project and thank you for sharing with us.
This is really lovely :)
Beautifully done.
That is beautiful and I love the fabrics you used.
Your quilt is beautiful! So glad you decided to finish it for the show!
Hey, you're not late to the party! There's still today and tomorrow for folks to get in on it. :D This is a really neat quilt. I love the touches of tulle and fancy stitches. And yeah - if you ever feel bad about UFOs, just take a gander at my insane list. I'm working on it, though! And I'm crazy-curious about this "UFO apple ladder" of yours!
Very nice work
Just lovely,
so very pretty, great job
You should be proud! It is gorgeous!
Gorgeous. It looks like it was so hard to sew and you did a beautiful job.
How pretty it is! Love the colors. Fun to play with stitches, eh!! Thanks for sharing and have a great day
Beautiful (though time consuming) quilting!
It is a lovely quilt and was certainly worth your efforts to finish it , beautiful!
so glad you finished! Its pretty and love the flowers - I used it the show as an excuse to finish mine too!
Love, love, love the colors! Thanks for the spelling shout out! A pet peeve for me, too. Tell you sister to keep up with the grammar lessons.
Beautiful project! I enjoy your writing style too BTW. Some days I would love to have an editor/grammar expert in the family!
A lovely quilt.
Wonderful quilt.
Very pretty
lovely quilt, lots of details, would be great to see it in person.
in stitches
Beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing.
jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
very nice,well done.xx
It's always fun to play with the fancy stitches!
Beautiful quilt! Love all the stitching that you did around it.
Love all the greens.
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