My credit card is about to explode after a day spent rounding up deals and I'm sure it isn't over yet. Cyber Monday is the Holy Grail of Shopping for non-shoppers like me. Sit me down in front of the laptop with some tea and the ability to google, and the Christmas shopping comes together while Rouge the Elf on the Shelf looks on in wonder. This is how a real woman makes toys, you useless piece of holiday stress that on day two I have already had to leap out of bed at 4am to move because I forgot about you last night and I anticipate that will hardly be the last annoyance you cause me this season.
Not that I am bitter. Nor did I just go off on any sort of tangent.
So anyway, for those of you still doing a bit of shopping, EPQD has some Cyber Week deals going. If you have already heard about them, I apologize. I sent my newsletter peeps the info, and also posted on my EPQD FB page, but FB being FB has informed me they are having trouble with their promotions, so sadly I know it is not reaching all the people I was hoping to reach. If you have heard about the deals, stop reading and head on back to your shopping. If not, read on!
Hey, lookie here. I can cut and paste from CC. Who knew?
Cyber Week Rocks at EPQD!
All patterns in my Craftsy store - $5.00 now through Friday November 30.

"Garden's Gate" by EvaPaige Quilt Designs, available on Craftsy.
Yeah, I can't get all the patterns I have designed onto Craftsy for
reasons of general computer stupidity, but I did manage to get several
of my top sellers on there to get you ready for days of winter sewing
hibernation and all. Special price of $5.00 per pattern (a $2.50
savings) all through Cyber Week.
Buy now at Craftsy!
So there. I've done all I can do to advertise these deals, and for someone who may never be fully comfortable with self-promotion, this is the best I can do. Feel free to share with all your quilty friends!
20% off all trunk show lectures - a $60 savings for your guild!

All guilds initiating a lecture booking with Beth Helfter, EvaPaige
Quilt Designs during Cyber Week (until 11:59pm 11/30) will be eligible
to receive 20% off their lecture booking**. Please include your guild
name and location, desired booking date, and full contact information
(name, address, email, phone) at time of inquiry; you will be sent a
contract via email, which will need to be signed and returned by
12/15/12 to be fully contracted and ready for a fabulous day or evening
of fun and inspiration!
**Lecture fees only, does not include travel or per diem expenses. EPQD will travel anywhere in the USA.
1 comment:
I forgot to move the **** elf Monday night. I actually remembered to put him up last Friday (during the day, when the kids were outside) but no-one even looked until Monday after school, *after* my daughter got off the bus all dejected because her friend's elf had shown up. He decided to move while the kids were in school Tuesday (and I was "out") and I *still* had to get out of bed to move him Tuesday night! Argh! I'm a slow learner.
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