Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lunch, Lecture, and (with luck) Laughs at Quilter's Sampler

It's almost here - next week's debut of my "Plays Well With Others" group quiltmaking lecture, scheduled to take place Thurs May 10 as a Lunch and Learn at A Quilter's Sampler in Nashua NH. Check out for all the dirt on the event!

If the reactions of the flock/gaggle/fleet of American Girl dolls who have been my practice audience is any indication, this lecture is sure to entertain and inspire you, perhaps so much so that you remain unblinking the entire time. I can only surmise that they didn't want to miss anything. In the lecture I will discuss the various group projects that I have been involved in both in my guild and those projects which I have run online, and why I think group quiltmaking is a fantastic vehicle to up the creativity of any quilt, as well as great sources of new learning and inspiration for all the participants. Will I also discuss the dirty little secrets of what you do when you aren't happy with the results? Um...YEAH!

A little sneak peak from the slice house project of a few years ago:

Be the first to see this quilt, finished during Drop and Give me Twenty in February, bound and completed! And maybe even help me name it. Right now all I can come up with is "Migraine Waiting to Happen" as it is a LEEETLE busy. But I'll save the story of how it came to be and how it is a group quilt for the actual lecture.

It's really sure to be a good time and I hope you might consider coming by and checking out the entire event. There are lots of classes and other events still taking registrations and several wonderful vendors (NEQDC included!) who will be on hand to hook you up with the latest fabrics, notions, doodads, and swag to make your next project amazing. There is no fee for just showing up to shop, and I just found out that there is also no registration fee for lectures, but there is for classes. Something I thought important to share.

I hope to see you there!

Now off to do a little more prep on a group project that is actually due at my "guilt meeting" as Greta calls it tonight. I'd hate to be the group quilt queen with a tarnished crown for not finishing my portion on time.

1 comment:

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Oh how I wish I lived in your neck of the woods so I could attend fun things like that! :)

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