I just this morning created an album on my
EPQD facebook page of the four quilts I know of that have been made from my Quite Contrary pattern. As I lamented in the album description, it is so rare that quilters send photos to pattern designers of their own interpretations of the designers' patterns, and believe me, most of us would love to see what you are creating and get extremely excited when we get the chance, so when I got to see these others it was a rare but gratifying moment. I refuse to let the fact that the two other quilters featured are both good friends of mine and live in my town and one was actually paid to make one for me as a test pattern dampen my feeling of excitement over the fact that SOMEONE ELSE made this pattern.
All four quilts shown were quilted by Melissa Heys of The Completed Quilt, not coincidentally located in Pepperell MA. We take "Shop Local" to heart around here. A close up of some of the lovely quilting:

And maybe by posting the photos and my thrill, more people will come forward and show me their QC quilts. Here's hoping, because I would truly love to see them and add them to the album! So if you've made one, or plan to, get going, send me a photo, and join our QC strip club!
I'll bet that if you google "stripping in Pepperell", what pops up will have nothing to do with quilting. lol I hope people do start posting pics of what they've made with your patterns. And hope you had a Happy Easter!
Call me a geek, but one of my favorite things to do with my blog stats is check out the wacko things that are googled that land people here. I am certain that many of them are severely disappointed when they google "eva paige bikini pics" or "hotties with quilts" and end up here. Lessons I have learned with these discoveries: 1. I believe there is a porn star somewhere named Eva Paige. 2. Soft porn must now include soft goods, like quilts.
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