My row for the Summer Picnic project is done. It's supposed to be limes and lemonds in various stages of slicing/wedging for squeezing into your fun summer drinks. But in looking at it, they could also be done in multicolors to represent beach balls. Whatever strikes your fancy. I'm just glad that part is done and I can move on to the writing of the directions and soon after that be allowed to stop thinking about summer for a while.
Show of hands if you own the Add-A-Quarter ruler, please. I do not, I just use my 6" x 1" ruler which has 1/4" markings on it and have never had a problem. I was told by the Diva that this was not a good alternative way back when, but 10 years later I'm still using it. I still can't figure out how the other ruler thing would improve my life drastically from my current ruler, and I truly am interested in knowing if you own it, use it, and recommend it, and why.
I only mention it because every time I paper piece I remember the Diva telling me it wasn't going to work as well, so I was thinking it a lot these past days. Kind of like every time I play Solitaire on the computer I hear Laura Brannigan singing "Solitaire" over and over in my head. Hence one big reason I never play solitaire.
I am absolutely loving seeing all your projects on your blogs, hearing about how this DaGMT challenge is changing your lives for the better, seeing the flickr group get more and more photos every day, etc. Thank you! You are making this a very gratifying first attempt at a quiltalong for me!
If you haven't joined yet, you have until 11:59pm on 2/29 to do so. But really, you'd be totally stressed out trying to get 20 minutes in in one minute at that point, so join now instead. We'd love to have you!
1 comment:
You are welcome for the plug and I am enjoying seeing how much you are getting done...I guess the machine does make work go faster than my slow little hands:)
I own the Add-a-Quarter ruler and love it. Mostly since it sits on the fold of the paper so I can't get distracted and screw something up-HA, like I ever would:)))
Keep it up you are doing great!
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