Announcing my first ever Quilt-A-Long on Quilting Hottie Haven - "Drop and Give Me Twenty!" No, I have not secured the services of Jillian Michaels to come in your homes to force you to do push ups, because I like you and that would just be mean.
"Drop and Give me Twenty!" was created by me last night while I was wearing my penguin jammies and contemplating how I might possibly get about 5 pending projects (what I like to call UFOs because it makes them sound like maybe there is a prayer of them being finished at some point) done over the course of the next month or so. In going through my pending project stash, it occured to me that I may not be the only one with upwards of 10 pending projects that need some attention, and I decided to put out a challenge to myself and invite you all to participate. That's the power of the penguin jammies.

I've long preached that if you devote just twenty minutes a day to your quilting, you will be amazed at how quickly your projects come together, but must admit that sometimes even I fall off the twenty minute wagon. But think about it. Twenty minutes a day equals two hours and twenty minutes a week. Two hours and twenty minutes a week equals close to 140 hours in a year. If you spend about 12 hours per quilt (probably my average), that's over 10 in a year! Just from twenty minutes a day! OMG! I can't stop using exclamation points over the brilliance of my deductions! And my math skills!
At the moment though, in order to get the necessary quilts finished for my new trunk show, I need to devote well over twenty minutes a day to my machine over the next month, but I realize I can't ask you to do the same just because I've been a slacker. That's why I'm sticking with 20 minutes for the QAL. To me this seems to come at a perfect time, though - it's February, which is a dull month for the most part and I am certain you all have nothing better to do than join me in this venture, and it's also a short month, so we will be cheating right off the bat. Awesome.
So here are the rules:
1. Fill in the blank "I, (insert name here), pledge to quilt for (number of hours, minutes, seconds, specific time of day like 'while the baby naps/kids play Just Dance 2 on Wii/I am supposed to be making dinner', etc) for the entire month of February because Beth told me I had to/I have nothing better to do/I don't want to leave my children with 457 pending projects/etc."
2. Grab a button if you like from the top of the sidebar, and place it on your blog, FB page, or wherever, to show the world that you have committed to this challenge you are creating for yourself. Note: Because I have no computer skilz, the blog button will not link unless you create a link for it. should suffice, but is not necessary. Again, I don't need you to suffer due to my mad lack of skills.
3. Tell us about your progress! Post photos on your FB page, post them on my EPQD one, blog about it, post comments here whatever! I not only plan to quilt every day of February, but also plan to blog about my progress every day of February. And yes, I also plan to have my head examined at some point in February.
I'm excited and I hope you'll join me. Together we can be models of quilting hottie productiveness for all slacker quilters everywhere.
I, Beth Helfter, Original Quilting Hottie, pledge to chain myself to the sewing machine for at least 90 minutes a day for the month of February. This is despite the fact that they will have two Feb break weeks, and I may quite possibly be insane.
I, Laurie T, pledge to quilt for 30 minutes a day instead of watching TV or playing on the computer after work and dinner for the entire month of February even doing English paper piecing while I'm on vacation because then I'll actually have something to show for my time and won't have to quilt for 24 hours straight when the quilt I've promised needs to be finished. Whew!
"I, meg with a lower case 'm'), pledge to quilt for at least one hour every day for the entire month of February because it will help me with my Project DUFUS and get a load of debris out of my sewing area once and for all. I promise I will blog about it on a fairly regular basis so there will be evidence and my children can't call me a liar."
I, Amy L, already actually do this. It totally works! However, I will promise to try to do it on just one project at a time, so I don't have 5 billion WIPs (works in progress...a better name, I think, which (to me) combines BOTH UFOs and projects currently being sewn!)
I, Laura, pledge to quilt,cut or design for atleast 30 mins a day either after dinner or after work instead of getting lost on pinterest or taking hour long naps with the puppies.. I will blog about it at some point too...
I, Angie C, already do this, too. But it never hurts to have a reminder, so I pledge to spend at least 20 minutes a day (WAY longer on weekends!)either sewing, quilting, or (here's where I really need to commit:)cutting up the scraps in my overflowing basket! But I'm even more challenged than you are, Beth, so I have no idea how to grab that cute little logo thingie and post it anywhere at all. Now, I think I'll go take a "before" picture of the scrap basket!
I, Valerie,pledge to quilt for 30 minutes, for the entire month of February because Beth told me I had to/I have nothing better to do/I don't want to leave my children with 457 pending projects/etc. I like all those reasons. Now, if I can just stop playing FB games in the morning, I could do it before work....
Hi Beth, I do not have a blog so this won't work, but I will do this......I, Nancy P., pledge to work on something sewing and /or craft related everyday for the entire month of February and every month after in the year 2012. I have been doing this since January and it is amazing how much I have gotten done.
It was nice chatting with you at the Bedford Guild meeting last week!!! Well, it's time to get a quilt border finished.....take care and I will be watching.
I, Bridget M, pledge to quilt for 30 min a day after work for the entire month of February because I want to. This will give me time to finally get some projects that have been cut sewn and off to the long armer. What fun is in store.
I, Linda P, longtime QH fan, pledge to quilt (or piece, or iron - something sewing related) for at least 30 minutes a day for the entire month of February. I promise to blog about it regularly so that I have something new to blog about. I will say it sounds good on paper.
I, Robin K., pledge to quilt 30 minutes a day to include: machine quilting, hand quilting, hand/machine applique, or redwork.
Pretty sure I get the hand work portions done on a regular basis but the machine work is a challenge for me! Look forward to seeing all the progress made by everyone here!
I, Kathy S., pledge to work on my projects at least 20 minutes every single day, including my vacation time away from home...a wonderful reason to pack more handwork!!! Does shopping for more beads count?
I, Sue Fors! pledge to give 60 minutes of each and every day in the great month of February to work on, organize and/or shop for my quilting projects.
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