So who has heard of the Yay! Life! company? I hope a few of you, because they are hands down the best example of American small business gumption and spirit I have encountered, ever. Yay! Life! makes cute, often hilarious, refrigerator magnets that allow all of us to express what it is we Yay, be it a favorite food (Clams, Tacos, Lobstah - they even spelled it correctly!), a favorite sport (Swimming, 26.2, Wrestling), the natural world (Compost, Organic, Ladybugs), or even just being silly (Honey Badger, Sock Monkeys, Cowboy Butts). Yay! Life! is based in Colorado, run by a husband and wife team apparently unafraid to make themselves look silly on their website or catalog - which of course drew me to them instantly - who started the business in their Denver studio in 2010, moved to their garage, and finally a real warehouse all within two years of spreading the Yay! joy. All of their magnets and displays are made locally; they have teamed with Easter Seals to place 19 individuals of varying levels of learning and physical challenges in their warehouse as packers, all of whom have a full color photo and their name on the back of the catalog.
I. Love. This. Company.
My teamup with them began, unbeknownst to Yay! Life!, on Christmas morning. My sister had attached Yay! magnets to several of our gifts (Wine for me, Beer for husband, Clams for my dad, Compost for my aunt) , and they totally cracked us up.

I mean really, if those don't at least make you smile a little, I worry about you.
Like a smart company, Yay! Life! had their website on the back of the magnets, so I checked it out the next day. Imagine my horror when they didn't have Quilts. Or Fabric. I had to sit down and reassess my love for them for a second or two.
But lo and behold there was a place to contact them if you had a new idea. So I did. And I waited a few weeks.
I didn't hear from them right away, but I was undaunted, and knowing that fabric was my own true yay, I decided to see if I was the only one or if I was on to something. Many of you may remember the seemingly random survey I conducted on my business FB page in late January, asking what word excited you more, "Quilting" or "Fabric". See? I wasn't just passing the time of day with you, I was using you as market research. I am sneaky, aren't I?
The response was about a 70/30 split in favor of Fabric being the more exciting word, and several people commented it was because one can do so many more things with fabric than just quilt. Exactly, hotties. Fabric can be purchased just because you love it. Fabric doesn't guilt you out every time you look at it on your shelves in the manner that a half finished quilt sends stinging eyeball rays of guilt at you every time you pass it on the UFO pile. Fabric can be fondled, loved, and rolled around in naked in a way that a quilt just can't be. Fabric rocks.
After my survey, I sent another plea to Yay! Life!, stating my case that I really thought they needed a Fabric magnet. This time I got somewhere, and I was able to special order a Yay! Fabric! magnet, which I am bizarrely honored to be the ONLY purveyor of (for the time being, anyway) in the entire world. And how darn cute is it?
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If you don't Yay fabric, you aren't a real quilter. Period. |
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Right? |
You don't think quilting can change the world? It just changed a magnet!
Yay! Colors! |
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Yay! They are finally here! |
Yay! Beth!
Yay Fun!!!
How 'bout YAY Hotties done in hot pink!!
Love the magnets.
Yay! Awesomeness!
Yay, off to order & share with friends!!
Yay! Newfies! lol I am going to have to check that page out now. Yay! Booth Number! So cool that you can buy and resell them~ are you bringing some to market? ;) Those are seriously fun and cute!
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