Thursday, December 6, 2012

Perhaps it is time to join JA

And by JA, I of course mean Jewel-iters Anonymous.

You know it has gotten bad when you hear a crash, and your children immediately yell "MOM! Get the Jewel-it!"

In this season of light, love, and myriad breakable decor, the Jewel-it has been pressed into service and performed very admirably on many such an occasion. Observe.

This is the top of the Christmas cookie jar. Admittedly, it is hideous, and needs to be replaced. But it cost me $2.99 back in 1996 and I really don't want to get rid of it until I've gotten my money's worth. So when it fell on the counter and broke the other day, it was JI to the rescue! 

This poor little mermaid. Not only are her boobs unnaturally close together, perhaps to balance out how wide apart her eyes are placed, but last year she lost an arm in a freak shark attack, and this year Eva touched her inappropriately and she fell off the tree and was decapitated. But can you tell now? No, you can't. #JIrules.

 Besides repairing all manner of things this season, I've also taken advantage of the fact that we are enjoying the only stretch of four weeks in a row wherein there are no vacation or half days of school for the entire year - I'd say don't get me started, but clearly it is too late - and I've been very productive on a new pattern. As per ushe, I'll release a Christmas pattern at totally the wrong time of year (February), but hey, at least I'm in the spirit while I sew. A snippet.

Have you noticed the new button on the top of the right column? The DaGMT page is up and running, hotties! The observant among you might note the background is eerily familiar somehow.

You can't sign up yet to participate - that will open on 1/15, but you CAN check out all of the fantastic prizes from my amazing sponsors and start mentally preparing for how phenomenal it is all going to be. I also won't stop you from putting the button on your own blog yet, and when you do so be sure to comment so that I know you already earned a point toward the prizes! I'm adding more prizes as they come in, and will accept them until 1/15, so if you'd like to be a sponsor please let me know.

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