It's Quilting Gallery's 4th birthday (, and we all get presents! Fantastic! By now you probably know what's going on, but if not, here's the scoop:
To celebrate, Michele Foster of Quilting Gallery is hosting a Blog Hop Party, with something like 300 quilting bloggers participating! And not only will you find some cool new blogs, but you'll have a chance to win something AT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Feeling lucky? Just comment on the individual blogs for a chance to win their giveaway.
For those coming to hang at the haven for the first time, welcome! I started this blog a little over a year ago as an outlet for my incessant need to overshare of myself with the quilt world, and I've had so much fun with it. I do try to keep it quilting related for the most part, but now and then it's also been cheaper than therapy for me. I consider myself a quilter who likes to let loose my goofball side and that's what you'll find here. I've been very lucky to have been chosen AQS Blog of the Week back in August, and was also Michele's guest blogger back in May.
I've often said, here and in real life, that my favorite part of my design career is sharing my designs in person through my trunk show lectures. I'm currently hard at work to finalize the details of my second trunk show "Plays Well With Others", which will be available to guilds at the beginning in April. The show focuses on group quiltmaking of all sorts beyond your basic round robin, because over the years I've discovered that I am no longer that control freak third grader who never wanted to work in a group in school because no one was quite as good as she was. I now leave that role to my daughter Paige. I've found a lot of joy in working on projects along with other quilters and quilt designers, and I want others to discover how fun it can be to give over a project to someone else and see what they might add to it.
To that end, I now and then will call for participants in a group project here on my blog because I always want new fodder for my lecture, and I am currently planning a new group quilt project for January. The basic block we will be creating is shown here, and I promise that in real life it is totally square so I have no idea why it looks so wonky here, and can be made from scraps you already have - in fact, that is what I am going to WANT you to do. More details will follow, so you'll want to come back in January, won't you?
Another way to keep apprised of the goings on of my random thoughts is to become part of my facebook EPQD community. I try to update it daily with just a Twitter-like statement or link to my newest blog post, and I've really tried to make it a fun place to be to exchange ideas and inspire each other. I also give away a gift (often patterns, kits, fun notions I love, once even a table runner) at the end of every month from a drawing of my new members for the month. To get to my FB page, click here. I'd love to see you there and have you join the fun, and joining this month will give you yet another entry in my giveaway!

Have fun at the Blog Party and good luck! I hope to see you back soon at QHH.
My favorite color is blue, however, I don't always put blue in my quilts. The hardest color to use is pink. I'm just not a pinky girl! Thx for the giveaway!
My favourite colour is green - my least favourite is anything shiny!!
Thank you
favorite color is blue.. least favorite is brown
My favorite seems to be green and least,favorite is orange. Thanks for the chance to win.
favorite color ... white, least favorite color ... purple, I guess (at least that's the color I have the least of!)
Favorite color.. scrappy. Wait.. that's not a color. I guess red. I love red! Least favorite.. pink? I don't know. I kind of enjoy the entire rainbow. BTW, I rec'd a little pkg in the mail, thank you thank you and THANK you! I truly appreciate it! I will have to come back and find out about this January thing! :)
OMG! You crack me up! Consider me a new follower (#31 to be exact). Your humor reminds me of Meeeeeee! Thanks for the chance to win your pattern. LOVE those snowmen. I can't wait to be ironing braid onto everything. ...and like you say, it's cheaper than therapy! Oh, and I LOVE all colors... I guess I would have to say I don't have a least favorite color (maybe white because it doesn't work well with the dirt we get in to here.)
Cute snowmen! Thanks for being part of the blog hop. My favorite color is bright pink. My least favorite color in a quilt is puky yellow-brownish-green.
I'm a new follower, and I just laughed at your topper on your blog.....My favorite color is blue like this RUNNER and I love snowmen!
I love bright colors so when ever I have to do something with a brown or black or white I cringe. I have been doing some appliqué and it requires bits of those types of colors and I have discovered that in the three hundred yards of fabric I own, I don't have any white, black or browns. They must not be my favorite colors.
My favorite color is green. I would have said my least favorite is orange but I've used it alot lately. So I guess grey is my least favorite now. Thanks for the chance to win the cute snowman pattern.
I love to use all colors although I havent used much yellow for some reason so I guess that must be my least favorite. My most favorite would be green.
My favorite color is red but for quilts it would have to be blue. Least favorite is pink.
Iron on braid? Who knew? Sounds pretty cool to me. :0)
My favorite color to add to my quilts or anything else, for that matter, is red. I love me some red! It's not really a color, but I'm not a batik person. I know, shoot me now, but they just don't call my name. There, I said it. Whew that feels better. LOL
Thank you for the chance to win!
I have to say your blog does sound fun and I definitely want to come back. I used to have a very hard time using red in my quilts but since I've married my husband, who's favorite color is red I'm using it more and more. My favorite color to use was always green.
this is totally my favorite new blog site! my least favorite color....hmmmm. I don't have one! My favorite! Orangey red!
Your blog! My favorite color to use is red.
My favourite colours - purple and green
Least favourite - hot pink.
I know that is two colours but I love the way they work together.
Blue is definitely a colour that comes up time and time again. Least favorit is green (I really hate that colour) but will use it in a lot of quilts just because it fits.
My favorite color is purple, but I had fun making a bright and beautiful Dr. Seuss quilt for my son for his birthday and love all the bright colors in it. Thank you for the chance to win! :) I am a new follower and will definitely be coming back. :)
I had so much fun looking around your blog that you got a new follower. I am not a big fan of green, and I am very partial to blue.
Yes I have to say I love you blog... my favorite color to add in my quilts is neutral tone on least favorite is pink .. thank you for the chance to enter your great sweet..
My favorite color is lime green and my least favorite one to use is brown, although I am beginning to learn to like brown.
My all time favorite color is Turquoise! My least favorite color is purple. And yes I will take the flack for that! I'm just not a purple kinda gal!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
My favorite colors to use in a quilt are red and green (or pink and green). I probably have the most problem using boring colors like gray.
I love pretty much every color except purple. But I still use it cause sometimes its just needed in a quilt whether I like it or not!
Love Snowmen...cute, cute, cute.
Love blues, hate yellows.
Favorite color is aqua and least favorite is mauve!
Cathleen Savage
Quilt My Phone
I love blues, but have yet to do a quilt in blues. I really hate reds, LOL, but my first quilt was a red lap quilt for my mother for mother's day.
My favorite color changes a lot, usually between yellow and purple. I love black, but have a hard time using it in my quilts for some reason - probably because I use so many bright colors that it's just too much contrast.
Cute snowman runner!
My favorite color(s) are the earth tones, probably since I love fall. Burgundy and green are my favorites. I dislike purple and pink.
favorite colors is chocolate and teal, or for my grand daughter chocolate and pink... least favorite... HUMMMM don't think I have one, I love color, all colors..
My favorite color is coral.....but very difficult to use orange!
thanks for the chance
My favorite color is green, guess what I am wearing a green sweater right now!! Anyway I am not into purple. Love your snowmen!
I lean towards blue and red mostly. I don't use very mush orange
I love using black and white together, and sometimes adding a bright color to make it pop
I don't know that I have any favorite, or least favorite quilt colors. I think it surprises people when I do something in jewel tones since I usually gravitate to the more muted earth tones and autumn colors. I love the pink and red quilt I made for my dil because she and I both love it, yet people (quilt police?) told me I couldn't put pink and red together. What did they know? Quilted blessings, Nita
Favorite color is lavendar or purple but I don't know if I have a least favorite color. Maybe black because it's so hard to sew on at night. I do like your blog and will come back often. I will follow. Thanks for the cute giveaway. Now on to the other 200 blogs.
My favorite is teal, least favorite is brown. lnb1191(at)aol(dot)com
least favorite it orange and most favorite is blue
Favorite colors are blue and green, least is yellow. Thanks for the giveaway!
kessilari (at) gmail (dot)com
Hi, Happy Holiday to you and yours, I have to say orange is the one color I always have in a quilt my least is brown I don't like brown.
My favorite color is pink followed by green- my least favorite- white.. I love color.
Hope that you have had a fantastic time participating in the blog hop.
Warmest regards,
My favorite color is blue because it's so cool and inviting. I'm not terribly fond of brown, but it's a necessary
Thank you for the chance to win.
Favourite colour pink and I am someone who loves brown in quilts. Least favourite white, though I am learning to appreciate it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for all the great comments! Looks like blue and orange are definite favorites and brown, not surprisingly, is definitely not! I should probably answer too - I love lime green, purple, and am beginning to appreciate orange. I really don't like red. Keep up the comments and I'm excited to give away my prize in a few days.
My favorite color is blue and I seldom use orange.
oops, I forgot to tell you my favorite color. It's pink :-) Least favorite is purple. Very cute snowman!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes!
My favorite color is green and I do not like using purple in anything.
Stash Away, Stash Away, Stash Away ALL!
My favorite color is green and my least fav. is grey as it only looks like dingy white to me.
Thanks for joining the giveaway and I will follow your site and come back next week to peruse as they say.
Love to use purple; not so crazy about bright white. I know, what a color to not like to use.
My favorite color is blue - in a turquoise or teal green shade. I don't love orange, which makes it hard that my 7 year old's favorite color is orange - and it has been forever. So when I made his quilt, I made sure to include every shade of the rainbow! Ha. No dealing with a solid orange quilt!
Blizzard Buddies - totally cute!
Blue is my favorite color.
Least favorit color - I would have said grey - but lately - I do like some of these quilts with grey - it makes the accent color pop.
The more I look - the more confused I become.
Thank you for the chance to win :)
I hope you and yours have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
remember the reason for the season.
Cathy Byrd
Love the Snowmen!
My favorite color currently is any of the Fairy Frost blues. My least is orange. I just can't get into it.
I don't have a least fav, because I need them all and my fav would be red for it's accent.
My favorite color is blue and least favorite is gray. Great blog!
My favorite color to use in a quilt is black. My least favorite is white.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
This IS one of my favorite blog site because I would love to roll around naked in my stash, so I will be back in January to see what is going on with your new projects. Congats to you on winning the AGS blog of the week. With your wit, I can see why. Good job. You will certainly have a lot of new followers that will enjoy your site, as I do. Every quilter would enjoying making that cute adorable pattern. That's a real keeper. Merry Christmas.
Sandi T.
My least favorite color in a quilt is orange - it just rubs me the wrong way. I love blues in quilts - there are soooo many shades to choose from. Love your tablerunner & love the little snowman - thanks for the chance to win the pattern to make him.
I like REDS and YELLOWS, but my least favorite would be BROWNS and BLACKS.
I love green, hate white and black, unless it is just details!
Thank you for the chance to win
Kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com
I love all colors! My favorites change from time to time. Right now I like deep reds and browns, but I have quilts made with combinations my friends said would never work. After I was finished they changed their minds.
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