In this case, here's what I got to see.
Look at that! |
Once I saw it, I did vaguely recall whipping it up one afternoon, enough so that I could with 95% surety claim to have made it.
I also was thrilled to see my block in a setting in the Block Tester Gallery, page 80. Megan Ferris decided to enlarge it and use it in the center of her sampler. Very cool!
I keep forgetting to thank her. If she's reading - Thanks, Megan! |
In answer to that, I maintain that it is boring to have just one style. I love trying new things, learning new techniques, and I step out of the box so often that the box is empty most of the time. But I will admit - this one has a lot of pieces for me. Sixty four pieces in the block. Definitely a new personal design record.
This has been the year of the mini for me. As I always like to show my block in a practical usage in these posts, I decided to shrink it down to 6" rather than 12" and make a mini quilt with nine blocks.
Are you starting to do the math? If so, you are way ahead of where I was, which was exactly in the middle of La La Land, certain this would be a project I would have finished by lunch time. Three hours in and I had maybe one little section done. However, once I start a project, I generally go all in, and this was no exception. So even though the first pieces of the block I made (the outside corners) were at 2 1/2" square dwarfed by my littlest scissors, I took deep breaths and soldiered on.
All was well (or as well as it gets around here when math is involved) until I got to the pointy sections. At that point (ha!) I just could not figure out how to cut the pieces properly as the templates as printed were the wrong size for my mini. Even with resizing it in EQ I still couldn't get my templates cut properly. (Disclaimer: this is clearly a PICNIC error - problem in chair, not in computer, or in this case pattern. With me it's always a PICNIC error and I've learned to deal with it.) So I decided to paper piece them. Paper piecing for me is generally a last resort, so you know I was starting to get shaky, but at this point I was what felt like millions of little pieces into this mini and I was not stopping now!
Eventually, all 576 - five. hundred. seventy. six. Hold me - pieces were together, and in the words of Buddy the Elf: "I'm in love! I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!"
![]() |
18" square of wow I can't believe I pulled it off. |
Yes, it's just an EQ mock up. Did you REALLY think I'd make two of these? |
Recolor everything pointy and look at it sing! |
I do love bringing a design out into the border. |
To enter to win one of the copies of from either me or QM here at Quilting Hottie Haven, please leave me a comment telling me where you are from, and include the word "mini." This does not all have to be in one sentence, unless you live in a really teeny town, and then bully for you with your two birds. I know that is asking you to include two things, and possibly write more than one sentence, but I'm giving away two copies here on the blog. I know you can work with me! To make it easier, I'll put aside my grammar police hat for now, and any spelling or interpretation of "mini" will be acceptable.
To enter to win the copy from my Facebook page, head on over there and enter at the pinned post at the top. There I'll be asking you to tell me your favorite and least favorite holiday songs; my playlist for the studio this season will thank you. So check it out for some ideas of your own, too.
One final note: since submitting my block and paper work about a year ago, I have had a website change. The website listed in the magazine is incorrect, but please stop by my new, much improved, and way more user friendly site at
Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you again!
I'm from the UK. I made a mini quilt this summer that I thought would quick too, but really wasn't.
I am from Norway. Mini quilts are something I want to make more of!
I'm from the Netherlands. I've made my first mini quilt this year and love it. It is nice to finish a quilt in a couple if weeks ;-) Thanks for the chance!
From Nevada, Las Vegas to be exact. It's far from a mini city and not really my favorite place to live. But my kids are here, and a grand baby too. So what's a grandma to do?
I love your post - love your sense of humor too! I live just outside a mini town, and would like to make a mini quilt!
I am from New Jersey and tested Tunnel of Stars for you. It was definitely NOT a mini quilt! In fact, it is/was the largest quilt I have made to date. Now I just have to get it quilted.
I love your mini version of your block!
I'm three miles out of a mini-village in Allegany County NY where the deer and wild turkeys undoubtedly outnumber those of the human race. Clearly with hunting season upon us, the six-point buck who grazes our hayfield at dusk each day and I need something to calm our jangled nerves, though I'm not sure attempting a mini-version of your block would achieve that for either of us. A recliner, some Pinot Grigio poured into one of my 40-year old wheat-etched wine glasses, and a copy of that magazine might work nicely for me though ...
I'm from New York City and it's definitely not a mini. Diane,
Hi Beth, I'm visiting from Kentucky. Enjoyed your funny and entertaining post as always. I wonder if any of your kids is a "mini-me" (or should I say a "mini-you"?)-- if so I'll bet it's hard to keep a straight face in your house! Oh yeah, love the block too. And the variations.
I am from alto MI. I've never done a mini block yet. I love all the quilt maker 100 block books. Thanks for the giveaway!
=) I wouldn't have made 2 of those either. Another acronym for PICNIC is PEBCAK (problem exists between chair and keyboard).
I love your mini quilt! I'm from eastern Pennsylvania just north of Philadelphia.
Oh, your block is so cute and if I'll have a mini chance to win such a maxi magazine, I'll just try my luck!Lol! I am also from mini Switzerland compared to your big country...
I live in Key Largo, Florida. The Largo part says we are not the mini island.
I live in Oklahoma. Because it is so windy this morning I will say we are not known for mini windstorms
Love your mini! I'm from Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Love your sense of humor - and the word mini is easy for me bc I love to make minis!!!
Your mini quilt is adorable! The block is beautiful in all the colorways you've shown. I live in Binghamton, NY. Thanks for a chance to win.
Beautiful mini! I'm from Brookline, NH.
I'm from western NY near Rochester. I love your mini, but those triangle sections always defeat me. Your witty posts are a hoot. Wish you posted more often since I'm not on Facebook.
Oh, you make me laugh! I hope you are my new best friend in that nursing home someday! We'd have lots of fun in our senior years! I really like your "Minnie" blocks, but working with such "mynneee" pieces give me a "minney" headache. I hope you have mini happy days ahead! (New follower here.) duchick at gmail dot com
I love your sense of humor!!!! I am from Rochester, Mini-sota!!!!!!!
I've made one mini quilt and can't wait to start the next one. I live in Iowa. Thanks for the chance to win.
I've made one mini quilt and can't wait to start the next one. I live in Iowa. Thanks for the chance to win.
I currently live in Montrose, Colorado, but I am from southern California. Mini quilts are a challenge for me!
I am in love with your mini quilt also from an Arizona quilter.
I want to try my hand at a mini quilt. I have been working with smaller pieces lately and especially love the Quiltmaker Bitty Blocks. I am so glad you are participating and that I found your blog.
Your block is fabulous. Congratulations. I love making the minis too. I am in So. CA.
I'm not from a town, we're too small. I live in a tiny Township in NW Maine. Mini quilting will be something for me to try when I'm better at not running my fingers over with the sewing needle. Always need a goal. Yours is very pretty, love the design.
I live in Wichita Love your block. I have never made a mini but it is on my bucket list
Thanks. Debbie
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's not wise to have "mini-beers" while using a rotary cutter. Thank you,
I am southeast of San Antonio, Texas. I adore mini quilts; but, am not sure if I will ever make one. Congrats and Thank you for a chance to win! dlk3265 @
Nice job on your post, Beth! Thanks for joining us on the blog tour. We always appreciate your designs and your humor. Have a great week!
Diane at Quiltmaker
So beautiful block and love all your layout!!
From Spain.I`ve just finished trying FMQ on a mini quilt.
Okay Beth this is one of your fans from WI! How about making more minis? I know that is not happening for a while-until you have forgotten about this one.(next week?) Enjoyed your post today!
I am from Ontario, Canada. I love mini quilts!
CONGRATULATIONS your block is so wonderful. love your mini quilt. "mini" we are supposed to have a mini snow storm this Saturday morning. LOL we will see what actually happens.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
Thanks for showing all the different layouts. I would like to try making a mini quilt...perhaps for a doll quilt. I am from Germantown, MD.
deborah dot k dot browning at gmail dot com
Really enjoyed your post! I'm from Minne-sofa. We had our first measurable snow last week, and it looked like a mini blizzard.
I live in a really small place in Montana. Our big town all on 1200 people have a group devoted to mini quilts.
I live in this little tiny mini border town of Oroville WA with mini stores, mini restaurants, mini parks surrounding a large lake. Hugely love to quilt and make oversized hugs of fabric of scrappy goodness for any and all who need them. A mini would be a challenge to me but hey, I'm up for it! Thanks for the change to win!
Granny Anne Brown
krbassoc57 (at) gmail (dot) com
I live in Indiana! I love your mini quilt and all the variations you posted. What an inspiration! Thanks so much ;)
Love seeing all the variations of your new block! I have not gotten into the mini craze so much though I do make small quilts for table mats, etc. But I do live in kind of "mini" town. Cambria boasts about 6000 for population here on the central coast of California. It's a lovely place to live.
I'm not into minis, but I love your designs. The block is awesome and is my favorite in the blog hop so far! I'm from Mansfield, Ohio. Thanks for the giveaway.
That's AWESOME....!!...Miniature quilt blocks are so cool....and my daughters and nieces love them.......I love how you shrinked it to a 6 inch block....and the blue version is way cool.....
I am loving your mini quilt here in sunny California! Great design. Will definitely have to make one.
Love the mini quilt! I'm from LA (Lower Alabama!!) Thanks for sharing!mumbird3atgmaildotcom
Your block looks fabulous! I can relate to the remembering things issue... I live in lovely Snohomish, WA, US. I know mini quilts are all the rage just now, but I haven't jumped on the bandwagon...yet.
What a fancy block. Great idea for a mini quilt. Now that winter is here where I live (Alberta, Canada), I could stay inside and work on it!
I love your block and how it looks in your lay outs! I'm from Mini-sota--haha!
I'm from New Jersey. Mini projects are perfect for me because I like instant gratification. Also I think mini projects are more apt to be finished and less apt to become UFO's.
Pat K, yfg3749(at)
Great block!
My first car was a blue mini - I loved that car!!
I'm from western New York State. And I love all the possibilities for this block! I think I would like to make mini mini of them :o)
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I live in northern Florida, but I am originally from a mini town in the Catskill mountains, West Shokan, NY. I love your block.
I wish I had a few mini me's to help around the house
I am from pittsburgh pa
Love your block and mini quilt! I'm from North Carolina. bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com
Mini! Love that block. I am from North Carolina.
Hi from Pateros, Washington! I've wondered about taking a year off from large quilts and making a collection of mini's.:)
Love your block! I have been slightly afraid of trying a mini block. I am from Oregon.
Greetings from Falls Church, VA, just a mini hop, skip and jump from Washington, DC. I really like your block, and thank you for providing alternate colorways. It's got a lot of potential for me.
I am drawn to the more manageable size of a mini quilt. I am from the middle of England. your block is fun and just right for a medallion quilt centre.
I live in the same fabulous mini-town that you do! :-)
Hello from a not so mini town in North Carolina! I love your Ragged Star block!
I live in Scottsdale, Arizona, a suburb of the not so mini city of Phoenix.
I live in Bountiful Utah. Nothing mini about it. :) thanks for sponsoring the giveaway. utahoosier at gmail dot com
My last mini quilt was a twister pattern. I am from Pleasant Grove, Utah. Thanks for the block. janinebaldwin at comcast dot net.
I live/quilt in the mini town of Westampton in southern NJ. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
I have wanted to do a mini quilt but always get sidetracked in this mini town of Economy, Arkansas.
I love your block! it is on my to-do list already, hehe. I grew up in Alaska and there is nothing mini about the state, especially the mosquitos, hehe.
Congratulations on being in Quiltmaker's 100, Vol. 12.
I'm from Southwest Missouri. I love mini quilts. When you want to sew, but don't have time enough to get involved with a full size, a mini is erfect.
I'm from a maxi state but live in the mini town of Grapeland, TX where we are known for our watermelons but have a Peanut Festival every year. Yep, it's a goofy town!
I love this block and would love to do a mini block of it:) Appreciate your showing several layouts. I am from Mankato, MN
Making a mini version of your block is braver than I am her in Midland, MI. It turned out very, very nice. I like it!
Hi nice to meet you! I have 3 sons, and they are all mini-me copies of my husband. They sure wear me out, just like you, so it's amazing we have time and energy to quilt and create at all! I'm from Payson, UT, USA, and we have our own small town mini quilt show every year. It's not really judged, so it's the only show I've submitted quilts for, so far.
I'm from Clatskanie, Oregon, which really does qualify as "mini": we have a single traffic signal. No kidding. And we have a quilt shop and a pie shop--how lucky is that? So, no complaining from me! Thanks for the giveaway.
I live in Kansas. I love your mini quilt.
I'm from Pennsauken, NJ - nice to meet you! I've been hooked on mini quilts myself this year. Thanks so much for the chance to win :)
Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com
Ha ha! All those pieces in one block and you want the word mini? Mini pieces maxi difficulty. I'm from beautiful sunny southern California.
I love your mini, that looks like so much work!
Absolutely Fabulous Mini - and that's a big compliment coming from this New Braunfels, Texas, girl, where everything is bigger and better! LOL!!
I am from west Chester, Pennsylvania. Your block is really great, so many pieces. I have a friend who makes minis all the time. I will have to try some.
wow, you might actually talk just a mini bit less than I do! I am from southern VA these days...loooong story there.
My name is Sandy Hill. I live in Loveland Colorado. I love your mini quilt design and would love to win a copy of 100 Blocks.
Very cute block. Why is that I like the blocks with the most pieces? Many mini blocks always make a very cool quilt!! Thanks from Portage, Michigan.
Love your mini quilt design!! I'm from a not so mini town in rural south central Kentucky.
I love minis- can not count how many I have made! I live in NY.
Love your mini block! It's now on my list to make. I live in the western burbs of Chicago.
What a lovely MINI you made. I am from Michigan. Loved reading your blog.
mini quilts are pretty cool ty for sharing....I live in might want to sign your block would be pretty cool...
"Mini" I try to make a few this year, only most were place mat size. I guess I need to plan more. Love the green and pink, reminds me of fun and the colors of my forest and flowers in my backyard here in Mc Donough, Ga.
I live in Wisconsin in one of the mini suburbs of Green Bay. Love your challenging, but beautiful block!
I live in a tiny (mini?) town in South Carolina. Your block is lovely, but I think the only way I'd attempt it is to enlarge the units and make it a one-block quilt. Thanks for sharing.
I love your block design and the mini you made from it. I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
I live in Kirksville, Missouri. I enjoy the Mini quilts that have been popping up lately. I need to put the borders on a mini (3" blocks) I started in the 80's. Maybe tomorrow...
Love the block! I live in Michigan and I love mini quilts.
I do mostly mini or wall hanging...I live in San Jose your patterns....thank you
I have been doing monthly mini quilts for some time now. I live in Corning, CA.
I'm from Vermont. I like mini projects which don't take too long - such as mug rugs. I like your block and the different layouts.
Love your block and seeing the different colorways. I am from Nebraska and I'm definitely not a "Mini" because I'm nearly 6 ft. tall!
I have not worn a mini skirt in many years. I'm from North Dakota and Arizona. Right now I'm on a mini vacation from the snow.
I am from North Carolina. I haven't made any mini quilts yet, but your example is stunning. Thanks.
I haven't made a mini, but I do know that I love your block...maybe on the near future to do list. Thanks for sharing it!
Very striking block and I love the mini where you changed the colors on all the points and circles abound. Thanks all the way from Saskatchewan,Canada
I'm from Ohio. I love your mini quilt.
I live in Rhinelander, Wisconsin which is way up north! It snowed all day here - sometimes we had mini snow squalls & other times there were mini blizzards!
I am from the Pacific NW, the greater Seattle area.
I like to make mini quilts, except I call them potholders.
I live in Florida and I made a mini quilt for our guild challenge last month. Congratulations on getting your block published. Thanks for the giveaway.
Holy moly, girl, you were AWSOME to create a mini using your block!!! I live on a farm outside a mini town (800 people) in eastern Washington.
Hi, I am from Maine and made my first quilt using mini blocks this last year. It was easier than I thought it would be too!
I loved reading your mini blog post and all your mini sarcasms! It was a hoot! I'm from a mini town in Southwest MO (Nevada, MO) about 8000 but for now I live in the big metropolis of DeKalb IL about 40,000 (just west of Chicago about 1 hour). Apparently I am really into these mini quilts. I'm working on Dear Jane blocks and Farmer's wives blocks and now doing the Moda Shuffle.
Elaine M.
I live near a little town in central Ontario, Canada. It actually is a mini tourist town that grows to maxi in the summers.
remills (at) amtelecom (dot) net
I am from Bartlesville, OK. I lovingly call my daughter "Mini Me". Cyndy Knapp cknapp3626(at)
I just today moved into my brand new home in Springfield Oregon. WooHoo! I made a maple leaf bed quilt just to have something new when we moved in. but I'm so tired i'm only having a mini celebration tonight. pjrquilter (at) msn (dot) com
I live in Illinois and enjoy mini quilts.
Let me see ---I live in the mini township north of Michigan's capital city (or is it capitol?). I think I've lived your life and left some of that confusion behind.
I live in suburban Illinois, near Ohare Field. Hopefully I'll get my Christmas mini quilt done this year.
I'm from California. There is nothing mini about the wow factor of your miniature...really WOW
I live in the Seattle, WA area! You will see I use the nickname "minibea" after my mom, Bea.
Oh I love all these mini blocks but I can't imagine making them. I'm in NC.
I'm from the suburbs of Chicago, a not so mini city! I've made several mini quilts!
WOW! I love your mini quilt, the colors and pattern are stunning! I live in SE Washington state where we just had a MAXI [not a MINI!) windstorm and thousands are still without power. I'm sure glad I still have power so I can continue to work on my mini quilts
Looks super complicated to impress the hubby :) I love the design. Reminds me of when we didn't have TV broadcasting all the time, and the stations had the design for station identification…. Mini lesson on tv history :) Congrats on a great block! To my to-do list it goes!! Can't wait to do this one!!!
After piecing 180 3" (finished) bow tie blocks, you'd think I'd had enough of mini size blocks - but I love your block design! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy so I can get to makin' them!
Love your block. Great job on the mini blocks, I think I will stay with the original size. Thank you for showing the other color options.
Love your block. I've only made one mini block - a 6" block made with 16 half sq triangles.
I'm from Sleepy Hollow - yes named after the story! We have an annual bonfire with the ride of the headless horseman. One year they decided to read the story to the crowd before the ride........ The story is NOT a mini - book!
Love your block! I love the green color change! I am from Riverbank, CA. I am learning free motion quilting by practicing on mini quilts!
OH MY GOODNESS! Your mini is spectacular! It is the most beautiful thing I have seen but I can't imagine sewing all of those tiny pieces. Congratulations to you on a job well done. I am from N.E. Georgia.
I am from South Carolina in a small (but not mini) town in the foothills of the blue ridge mountains.
I live in Calgary, Alberta. I applaud you for making a mini quilt with so many pieces!
I am from the mini town of Wildwood, in gorgeous Florida.
I'm in Virginia; my sister is in SC, and she has a mini-schnauzer.
Cambridge Springs, PA is our location. As for your mini, you have far more patience than I do!
I am pleased to call rural,nearly flat, north east Colo home for many years, and i hope for many more. I am sure I am in a minimum part of the population who is perfectly happy to be rural. Kathy in Colo repzjratplainsnet
Hi! I'm from Littleton CO. How's that for 'two birds?'
Although I am far from mini; I hail from central Illinois. I have to travel 30 miles to find a nice fabric shop.
Nancy Hilderbrand
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