While I was starting to feel like an idiot with this contest when no one entered for several days, there was enough rallying of hottiedom after a week or so to make me believe you were all just planning your strategies to get your respective hotties to agree to having their photos taken. So thank you all for being good sports and playing along!
I truly am having a terrible time choosing a favorite, so I am changing the rules a little and posting my top six here, and am going to open voting and let you all choose not one but both winners of my Hubba Hubba charm packs. It's my blog and I am wont to change the rules with reckless abandon as we know, and this contest is no exception. So without further ado, I present to you the nominees for Hubba of the Year, which conveniently can be shorted to HOTY.
I did not even plan that.
OMG that face. Just too cute. |
Contestant Number One: "My Mom Went to Her Sewing Room and All I Got Was This Amazing Quilt" Submitted by Michelle C.
"While my dear husband financially supports my quilting
addiction, and is very sweet in giving me the "attagirl" with a wink
and a smile when I show him my newest creation, it's this little guy who is my
true supporter."
Contestant Number Two: "A Lover Not a Fighter" Submitted by Terri L.
We salute you, Captain Lynch, for your service and your homefront support. |
"This is a photo of my Hubba Hubba Hubby of 25 years
wrapped in one of my first airplane quilts.
Randy is a Navy Captain and also a Naval Flight Officer.
Flying, airplanes, and red, white, and blue
have been staples of our family.
moved at least 10 times and never once has he said "Wow- you have a
lot/too much fabric". In fact, my QHH -Quilting Hottie Hubby is so
supportive, he sees boxes of fabric arrive and boxes of quilts ship out to my
miracle quilter and he has NEVER once asked me "how much did that
cost?" We learned early in our deployment filled marriage that retail therapy can be a useful and effective tool."
Contestant Number Three: "Upcycling is NOT for the Dogs" Submitted by Marci
She's just so snuggly. |
"My little Rescue dog, Mitzi, all 7 lbs of her... 10 years
old now. She loves sleeping on my bed on this old Recycled flannel
shirt quilt. Made from my grownup now and moved to their own homes
family's farm clothes. Sorry she isn't fully clothed, but hope you make an
exception for her :) "
Cute boy AND cute dog all in one! |
Contestant Number Four: "The Boy You Want Your Quilter Daughter to Marry Because He Gets It" Submitted by Crystal M
"This is my grandson at his great grandmothers house, he found a
quilt I made for her and that's what he had to sleep with. He is my
little quilting buddy, and knows how to sew. He bought his own machine."
Contestant Number Five: "Saint Brian" Submitted by Meg M.
If you don't finish it for him, I will. I think we all love him a little. |
man who gave up half his bedroom to make sewing space and half his
closet so mine can be used for fabric/notion storage. The guy who knows
how much fabric is in there (no, I don't sneak it in!) and still hands
me the card when I say "I found this fabric I want to use in *this*
quilt I'm planning... someday". The optimist who knows how many tops are
complete and doesn't cringe when another one is added to the pile. The
patient saint who has seen completed quilts go out the door to others
while his favorite stays folded in a storage bag, sandwiched and pinned,
all ready for quilting. He was happy to show it off. See the pins? It
will be done for Christmas... honestly."
Contestant Number Six: "Pitter Patter is Good Too" Submitted by Victoria M.
That is just a look of sheer delight! |
"I am recently divorced so I am substituting a photo of my granddaughter, Cora, showing
off the quilt I made for her baby sister, Tabitha. My heart may not say
"Hubba Hubba" but my sweet little one makes my heart go "pitty
pat” because my grandchildren melt my heart."
Again, thank you to all who participated! I wish we could post them all, but there actually were too many, so I tried to choose those that showed faces and quilts the best. It was the only way I could think of to narrow it down fairly, so there you go.
So how to vote? Just comment on your favorite in the comments! See your hubba hubba HOTY up there? Let your friends know so they can vote too!
so they were all so good, no wonder you couldn't choose! great husbands, dogs, kids and grand kids...wow. I have to go with contestant number 6!
I'm torn between #2 and #5. Saint Brian is obviously an outstanding mate! But in the end, you just gotta say hubba-hubba for a good-looking man in uniform. Randy Lynch, you deserve that great quilt and our thanks for your service!
Tough choice indeed!! I am stuck on #1 and #6!!!
They are all hubba hubba worthy, but I have to go with #5. St Brian just strikes a chord with me. And, if he wins, maybe his quilt will get finished!
Difficult indeed!
I quickly narrowed it down to 2 & 5 - both have the proven devotion required of a Quilter. From there, the decision became difficult - Terri and Meg are lucky ladies indeed, both hubby's are perfect candidates for HOTY. It is a holiday weekend however, & I am a Randy kinda girl, so I must go with contestant #2 ;-)
I vote #2
I vote for #2
Tough choice...most are very cute. Since it's supposed to be "hubba hubba" - my vote is for #2.
Wow! This is a tough one. Although I'm a sucker for rescue dogs, #2 makes me go HubbaHubba.
I'm torn between them all but I think I better vote for Saint Brian since I don't want him to take away the car keys.
Saint Brian for the win!
#2, Captain Lynch. Because we all love a man in uniform, don't we? Thank you for protecting our country, fine sir!
#3 please... Rescue dogs and recycled fabrics :)
#3 for me, a combination of recycled family flannel shirts making a cozy resting place for a recycled rescue dog. Loved items showing love for a lovely older dog
#2 - Randy Lynch all the way!
I vote #3. There is nothing more comforting than an old flannel shirt. Making a quilt out of them is genius! As a fellow rescuer, this one wins, hands down!
I vote for #2.
Thank you for your service to our country and your family.
Happy Memorial Day!!
#3. Love the recycled shirts and much loved best friend
#3 flannel looks so cozy
Number Two: "A Lover Not a Fighter" is my vote! Great story, great quilt, great people!
LOVE #3 *rescued & recycled*
Now while Mr Lynch certainly is hubba hubba I'd have to say Saint Brian! That description just melted my heart :)
I vote for Contestant Number Three: "Upcycling is NOT for the Dogs" Submitted by Marci
i vote for Contestant Number Three: "Upcycling is NOT for the Dogs" Submitted by Marci
#3! Who doesn't love rescue dogs?
Love #3 great idea
#3 has my vote!
#2... since it's Memorial Day weekend and all! Thanks for your service from an Army Vet :)
I'm voting for Mitzi and #3.
Love Choice #2 - Gotta love a lover not a fighter! Captain Lynch all the way!
They're all Huba Huba, but #2 is the HOTY!
I vote for #5 - Meg M. and Saint Brian!
#5 - beautiful, clever use of space & colour-love the uniqueness of her mosaics!
Of course I vote for #2. Sew Blessed!
That was fun. Captain Lynch!
That was fun. Voting for Captain Lynch.
Saint Brian - hands down.
I hope this goes through. I've tried voting several times to no success. 8-( I would like to vote for #5 - Saint Brian.
I vote for Saint Brian!
Saint Bryan! #5!
Love, Love, Love Saint Brian!
My vote is for #5. Brian is just a awesome guy and is such a selfless guy. Hoping Meg can finish your quilt soon.
THANK YOU! The charm pack arrived and is just fantastically FUN! As I have never had a charm pack before, this is an eye-opener to fun! THANK YOU AGAIN! And my little dog says Thanks also :)
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