Friday, August 2, 2013

Midsummer Night's Giveaway Winner

Three days ago I was my July sad self, today I am bursting with joy that it is August AND I have a winner in the Giveaway!

Let's review, here is the prize:

Awesome cool book and yummy summery threads
Becky Stawecki, who listed her favorite summertime activity as "going out crabbing, with a mess of chicken necks a net and a cooler filled with beer and soda..and a sack lunch!! nothing more fun!!" is. my winner.

If her number had not been chosen, "mess of chicken necks" would have put her over the edge for sure. Congratulations, Becky! I can only hope that someday I might be invited to participate in such an outing, although I am not sure I am up to actually touching a chicken neck for fun.

If you are not Becky and were not lucky enough to win this copy, it is also available on Amazon and well worth a look. I really do love this book! Becky - I hope you will make something from it soon, and be sure to share some photos with Jen and I!

Thank you to all who participated and gave me such lovely answers to your favorite things about summer. I share many of them and you renewed my faith in my abilities to find joy in the everyday summer things. Berries, swim noodles, hammocks, summer evenings, beaches, and time to watch the kids grow for everyone!

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