Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quilting Gallery turns 5, you get 6 fabrics

The Quilting Gallery is celebrating the big 0-5 this week, and we bloglanders are all coming together to shower YOU with gifts. First you receive the gift of discovering my blog. A gift which will truly keep on giving should you return, and if you ask me, you should definitely return. I have some fantastic new events coming up in 2013, kicking right off in January with a new group quilt project followed by "Drop and Give Me Twenty", the web's biggest UFO busting blog event as proclaimed by me. If you have even one UFO in your pile you'll want to check out the details. If you have only one UFO, though, it is debatable if you can consider yourself a real quilter, you know, so get to sewing! It is our duty as quilters to leave piles of fabric and half finished quilts for our children and grandchildren to find homes for someday.

And if that is not enough for you, you might even win my prize, a set of six 1/3 yard cuts of these yummers Christmas fabrics from Northcott's Stonehenge line.

Aren't they delish? I used them in the cover quilt for a pattern I am working on and they feel as good as they look. I can barely part with some of these leftovers, but for the sake of you and your happiness, I will brush away a tear as I ship them off to lands unknown. Parting is such sweet sorrow.

To enter, please sign up to be a follower of Quilting Hottie Haven and then tell me in a comment on this post how many UFOs you currently have in your stash (approximate number is fine, I am not about to ask you to actually count and even if I did, how would I know you actually did it? It's all in the name of trust, hotties. But I will say if you tell me you have 50 or more I might be skeptical that you padded it a tad.), and which one you would most like to finish in the near future. And by near future I mean "before you go to the great quilt studio in the sky".

Good luck, and happy blog hopping!

Edited to add: Holy flipping UFOage, hotties! I no longer think you are padding it at close to 50 since there are so many of you in that category, but I do think quilters seem to suffer from a very specific form of ADHD wherein we must start three projects while in the process of working on one. Yet another reason to join us in February! 


Sara said...

I recently counted them for a local guild UFO challenge and I had 26, plus 8 more than just need binding. Uffda!!

But I plan to finish the binding and label on my Blue Stars quilt before New Years. That is my goal

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

um.. uh-lot. more than one for sure, but way less than 50.. between 5 and 10 probably. :)

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Thanks for this chance...I only have 3 ufos right now....

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Tenho quatro,um deles tem mais de dez anos começado...
Seguidora nova,GFC

BCT said...

Well, Beth, I count 32 on a list I have of quilts in varying stages. That doesn't count any of my knitting projects. But just in case you're wondering, when I made a list 40 years ago for my grandmother, I had about 80 knitting and sewing projects, so I MIGHT have made some forward progress....

I Quilt Scarlet and Gray said...

Beth, I may actually have 50 UFO's if I count quilts that need binded, quilted, pieced and started from patterns that I purchased with the intention of making and patterns I have designed in EQ7!! I have been thinking of signing up for "Drop and Give me Twenty". What do you think, do I qualify???

Dayquilt said...

I have at least 2 dozen. Somewhere I have a list, from a previous UFO challenge. I think some of them may just need to be retired, without ever being finished, but I would like to finish most of them. Next on my list is one for me, a sampler that needs borders, quilting and binding.

Michelle said...

I think it's around 20some, but I'm not going to go look at the actual number!

pizzaeater said...

I have fourteen UFOs. However, I have for more than 20 quilts. Can you say Fabriholic?

corina said...

The last time I counted I had 29 UFO's. Since then I've finished a few and added a few to the list! I want to finish my circle quilt. I just need to quilt it and bind it.

hafza said...

I have nine UFOs and I wish to finish handstitch the Embroidery 101 quilt. Hope to finished it by end of December.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

How about Drop and Give Me 80? Yep! I have 80 UFOs and I'm counting them down on my blog. I'll be all in for your UFO event ;-) Thanks for a great giveaway~

B Greene said...

I have four UFOs including a Christmas Tree Skirt quilt top that I am about to wrap around the tree for the tenth year!!!

Kate said...

Sewing...not very many, maybe 4. Knitting is a whole 'nother ball game. Loooots.

Gill said...

Probably around 12!
I want to finish them all!

Sandra said...

I had to put most of my projects on hold when I started chemo so my UFO pile is quite high. Probably about 20 - 2 of which need to get finished for christmas gifts

beaquilter said...

welll hmm I have no clue, looks my my blog and see my 2012 list, it's long!! I do keep scratching off stuff but add to the list just as fast!

Joy said...

That's funny--I'm not very good at finishing a project when I reach a stumbling block. So, I have:

2 quilting UFOs
3 garment UFOs
2 hand-knit sweater UFOs
and about 12 other little projects here and there UFOs.

I guess I need to get cracking!

Michele said...

Thankfully I only have 6 UFOs at the moment and they will definitely become finished projects early in the new year.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 quilting UFO's, 4 garment UFO's and two pillow cases I sewed for Christmas presents and I can't find!

Mary said...

I have not counted. Too many to count. I have been sewing for a long time. Time to take the count!Thank you for sharing.

A Day In The Life........ said...

I have about 5. The most recent I really need to finish soon are my families Christmas stockings!

Anonymous said...

I have one. I am not someone who can start and not finish things. I will admit this one is taking me forever. I am embroidering blocks...then I'll put them into a quilt. I thought I was finished, but I am somehow missing a block...UGH. Anyway, I'm not done yet. =(

Thanks for a chance to win.

Mary Ann said...

None right now. I was obsessed with finishing loose ends before my son was born. Now if you count projects I have in mind but haven't started the list is very very long.

works4me said...

What great fabrics. I can see why you are reluctant to part with them but am glad you will. Thanks for the chance to win.

I have one UFO. I work on one project of any craft at any given time. Currently, I have moved from quilting to cross stitch so my quilt, which is a finished top, is a UFO. It should be finished in early 2013.

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

6 UFOs!!! Can you believe that!!!

Sowing Stitches said...

Depends on your definition of UFO... :) I've been on a quilt top making binge since early May the goal was to deplete my fabric stash inorder to justify purchasing current fabric lines. Let's just say there are several dozen quilt tops waiting to be quilted.

sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

Vroomans' Quilts said...

The only UFO per say is 6 quilts sandwiched and waiting to be quilted.

Sylvia said...

Way more than I can count! I have pared some off my list this year. I wouldn't be surprised if my list goes over 50. Lovely fabrics in your giveaway! I will be happy to give them a good home! ;)

barbara woods said...

i have 2 one is for my hubby and the other is finishing one of his mothers old quilt's

Kathy H said...

I have about 10 UFO's.

KRubin said...

I just learned how to sew/quilt in October, so I had to look up what a UFO was. ;) Apparently, I have 3 UFOs at the moment!

Janet said...

I probably have at least 25... On my current urgent finish-up list are my DD # 3's quilt and my colours quilt.

Unknown said...

I have UFO's in a bin but I wont admit to the size of the bin!

Beth said...

Somewhere between 15 & 20 . . . all in neat little project boxes that are stacking up like a kid's lego project

Lori said...

I think I have around a dozen quilting UFO's, about the same number of knitting UFO's and about half a dozen cross stitch UFO's.

Deb C said...

I only have four right now. This was the year I caught up on a lot of my UFOs. However I have plans for many more quilts!

Sallie said...

3. Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

Stephanie said...

at least 10, I felt quilty until I was reading some of the comments!

Katkat said...

I have boxes full. that includes old quilt blocks I buy and intend to incorporate into projects. I have at least 12 quilt tops and countless smaller projects. I have had 4 surgeries over the past year and a half and plan on completing some of these in 2013 when I am healthy again!

ThreadCatcher said...

I have one UFO...I really need to find out how to make mitered borders so I can get this finished!
Thanks for the chance at some marvelous fabric.

hueisei said...

I am new to quilting. I think I have only 5

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I've been quilting a long time and also love starting new projects so I KNOW I probably have at least 50 UFO's but most aren't full size quilts. I have a Irish Chain that I want to finish in the near future.

Lisa Lisa said...

I'm pretty sure I have less than 10. The one that I think I'll finish in the very near future is a wall hanging that I just started this weekend for Christmas. Desperately trying to make my house look Christmasy!!!

Julie Fukuda said...

That one is easy! I have no UFOs. I live in a very tiny house and there is no place to put a UFO. It has to be finished once it is begun. I usually have one small project to work on during travel and meetings. Then I have one quilt to work on the quilting during the cold months. Sometimes the small project is blocks for a big quilt and sometimes it is something like a table runner or doll quilt or gift for family and friends. Perhaps my stash could be considered UFOs?

Anonymous said...

Definitely not 50, but I might have 3 or 4. The one UFO I'd really like to finish is our wedding quilt I tore apart last year. A friend made it and did a wonderful job but we eventually wore out the back (the top still looks great). Also, it was only tied and the batting was bunched up. So this next year I want to put a new back on it and try my hand at quilting (I've only ever tied before too) Thanks for the chance to win!

Living with the Lioness said...

Man, this was a semi-rude wake up call for me - to actually have to come face to face with a number .. let's see ......

OY ... I would guess about 15 that are projects that are partially completed. Then there are the ones I have in my head that I have a pile of coordinating fabrics for I just haven't started yet ....

Kaynik said...

I'm a newer quilter so I'm sure my numbers are low, maybe 8 or so.

ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mrs.Pickles said...

Thank you for the chance to win.i have 8

Pink Scissors Design said...

At least 5...but, most likely more.

pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

Mary said...

A few years ago I could happily say none. Now I know I have at least six tops hanging in the closet to be quilted. I am currently one month behind in my BOM but have no interest in finishing it and it is about to become a UFO. I will finish my DIL's Orions Star before year's end!

Faith said...

Ive got seven UFOs on the go and my poor partner Jim keeps saying he still hasnt got his quilt top that he has been waiting for for years....aww but Im knitting him some socks to cheer him up,.... do enter me in your fabulous give away My big UFO number is 7... many more my hounds are telling me but its all fun fun fun

Michell said...

ummmm to many and it keeps growing lol

Brenda said...

I have about 20 or so that are started and about 15 kits that need to be started!
Right now I'm put a top together from a block swap that was done about 7 years ago!

hulseybg at gmail dot com

JoyceLM said...

I have 25+ quilt tops waiting to be finished. When I first started quilting 6 years ago, I loved piecing the tops but had a really hard time with the quilting. So I just kept piecing. But now I'm slowly starting to get into the quilting part again. I finished 8 last year & hope to finish at least 12 next year.

Anonymous said...

There are nine unfinished in my sewing room. Hope I can knock that down in 2013. Thanks for the drawing chance.

Barbara O. said...

I have one real UFO, wrapped and stored away in my quilting closed. Then I've one box full of HST, but I haven't decided on a layout yet, I've one ongoing project and one leader-and-ender project going along beside that, and one hexie handsewing projects. I usually make gifts, so I have to finish them on time. That's my personal UFO-preventing strategy! :-)

Mom C said...

Depends on the day on what I consider a UFO. I have 6 quilt tops waiting to basted, 2 that need to be finished piecing and tons of blocks that need to be worked into usable pieces. Thanks.

Needled Mom said...

I might actually have over 50, but I would be much too embarrassed to write that so I will say 20+. My first UFO to finish in 2012 is going to be my Just Takes 2.

Emily C said...

we'll go with 7-10, i'm up to 7 and i know i have to have missed one or 2. I should get one done by christmas and maybe another set up to quilt before new years.

Vicki H said...

I probably have about 12-15. I would much rather piece than actually quilt them.

Anonymous said...

After a quick mental inventory I realize I have approximately 10 UFOs lying around. A lot more then I thought... =)

Deb said...

I have 6-7 that are more WIPs than UFOs, and probably about 5 that have been sitting long enough to qualify as UFOs.

Marcia Wilkins said...

10 UFO's currently

Anonymous said...


Vivian said...

I have around 5 and maybe 3 that need binding so I don't count those. lol Vivian

Cheryl said...

I adore the new Stonehenge line by Northcott. And, I can always use another UFO hovering around my studio. I believe I have somewhere between 25 & 30 projects waiting to be quilted at the moment. :(

Mary Beth said...

I can think of three off the top of my head, but I know that's low. My daughter's i spy quilt should be finished soon!

Pat V. said...

I'm looking at my studio (aka dining room) and see approximately 20 UFO's in waiting. Number one on the to do list is a kaleidoscope wall hanging for my son's living room.

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

I just am addicted for the past year, and I have only one UFO..and it is just a quilt top waiting to be assembled! I haven't had time to get any UFO's yet...but my stash is collecting so I can see them in my future. I do have to sew in line iwth the the summer, I can't quilt in my sewing room as it is to hot, so I will be starting to make UFO's on as to have sewing in the mornings and cutting and other stuff in the afternoons when I use the kitchen table!
Thanks for the chance!

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

I'd like to join/follow via email, but don't see that I blind?

Mina said...

uhhhh I have been quilting for a long time and I think there may be 50. No wait, maybe 3oish - Dont make me count!

Anonymous said...

Important question - do all UFO need to located in the same state?

Sandra said...

Everybody seems to have UFO. It just seems to be affecting every single one of us. I am going to be printing off your mystery when I get ink for my printer. As far as the giveway, I am so sorry to hear that parting is such sweet sorrow; however, it goes to say that your loss is also my gain. So, thank you for the chance to win a set of 6 1/3 yard cuts of Christmas fabrics from Northcutt Stonehenge. I hope you have yourself a Merry Christmas.

Sandi T.
Sonora, CA

Sis-O said...

Maybe in the New Year (when I get organized) I will count the UFO's. I am currently trying to finish a few Christams project quilts. I am a new follower. I am going to allow myself to have accountability thru DaGMT. Thank you.

Unknown said...

One UFO in a very unfinished state. Then four more that need a border. And one that needs the binding.
wrbontrager at verizon dot net

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the opportunity for the great giveaway, and for posting your message on FB so we all find out!
I loved what Anonymous said, "UFOs in other states". Now THAT I can relate to. But seriously, how does a quilter have LESS than 50 UFOs? I could make excuses and say my job keeps me too busy, I mean it does get in the way of having more quilting time. But I know plenty of quilters like me who work in and out of the home, and get an amazing amount accomplished. Now,I just take a box of those awesome 2 gallon ziplock bags and a sharpie with me in my sewing gear to workshops. I mean why fake it?

Mother of four said...

One from the Mystery Quilt Jack of hearts and the three for Xmas... I do hope my sewing machine is back soon.... poorly for the third time since I bought the bloody thing brand new...!

Julie said...

I have 10 quilts that need to be quilted and 6 quilts started. Thanks for a great giveaway

Maria Kievit said...

We're not allowed to put 50 ufo's down? Ay, But I think I am very close...... at least 7 wallhanging sizes, 5 or so queen size or bigger started, some tops done, some curtains that just need sewing, a few more alterations (some from quite a few years ago..) some projects that I ended up with somehow that others started.... I think I can think of a few more. Thanks for the nice yummy Christmas fabric you are giving away!

Cherise said...

I have 5 UFO's. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

It worked! I follow by email now! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the chance!

quiltmom anna said...

I have approximately a dozen UFO's = three quilts that are waiting to be quilted- one that I don't know if I will ever get to ( a quilt that I slashed because I didn't like it the way it was) and a cube quilt the has been on the back burner for over 5 years. The others are relatively new additions to the UFO list. This does not include the many projects in my head not started or the ones that there is fabric bought but not yet used.. You know about the girl with a large stash of fabric - that might be me... LOL
Thanks for the chance to win some of those gorgeous Stonehenge fabrics.
Regards from Alberta,

Vivian said...

Oh I hate thinking about this!!!! I've taken roughly 3 quilt classes a session....2 sessions a year, plus intermittent quilt starts with friends and at retreats...I'm at about 27. Yikes. I feel a little queasy.

I think the only thing that will help is some yummy Christmas fabrics. :)

Nancy Sue said...

I think I have only 5, but I may find more once some are completed. A bit like not seeing the trees for the forest!

Patty said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I am a new follower. And on to the subject of UFOs. I am ashamed to admit that the number is over 30, but I have no idea how far over!! I am terrible and starting and then seeing something else I want to start. My plans for 2013 is to wittle away at that stack.

Claire said...

I have many UFOs but no UFO angst

Carla G said...

I have 2 ufo's - 1 quilt & 1 pieced pillow. I hope to get them finished in January. I'm already a follower! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Rachelle said...

1 quilting UFO (king sized quilt), 1 sewing UFO (shirt for Dh) and 5 knitting UFO's (jersey for me, hoodie for me, socks for me, vest for DS, shawl for me), so that's 7 in total.

Angie said...

I keep a list on a white board so I have a constant reminder of what I need to do, so I can say with some certainty that my UFO# is 10

Anonymous said...

I think - I think at this moment - there are about 10or so UFO's - Yikes!!! Need to get busy busy..
Enjoyed your blog - Now I am a new follower.
Thanks for the chance to win...

quilt chick said...

I only have about a dozen. Last year completed 27 on my list. I have a Christmas quilt I am hand quilting that I would really like to finally finish.

Cathi said...

I think my UFO count is somewhere between 25 and 30, but the one I most want to finish soon is my pickled clamshell quilt.
Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway.

Catskill Quilter said...

I never admit to more than 23 or 24, which are on 2 shelves in my workroom, but there are 2 hampers in that room too, and it is rumored that "those that we do not count" are hidden there....sigh...Happy holidays!

Eileen said...

I probably have 6 UFOs. I have a deadline that I must meet to complete one of them. That will surely be the first one I finish up. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm a new follower!

Lisa Cox said...

New follower via GFC as VettekLisa
I have 3 UFO's right now.
I'm looking for the perfect border fabric for one of them, the other 2 just need to be pieced and then quilted.

Pat S. said...

Confessing how many UFO's I have is like confessing my age! Lets just guess at over 50....and leave it at that. LOL

Happy holidays and thanks sew much for this chance to win :-)

Lyn said...

Thanks I am a follower. I am afraid I have just too many UFO's to finish. I hope to finish some this year. Thanks.

Karen O said...

I am a follower. I would guess 10 - mostly small quilt tops that need to be quilted.

Aimee said...

Follower. I just finished off 3 UFO's in the last 3 days (yay, me!), so I am now down to 9 or 10. The one I would most like to finish (or be done with, whatever) is a paper pieced quilt that's only about a third done.

Anonymous said...

I just signed up to follow your blog. I need to do something with my UFO's I last counted 23, I know there are a couple more around. I am sure hoping I get one finished before Christmas as it is a gift.

BizyStitches said...

Thanks for being in this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. I follow you with email. I would have to say my UFO's are probably around 20 to 25,with many more in my mind. I started a house and pine tree quilt with Civil war fabrics that I truely want to finish.

Debra Lee said...

None for me right now. I guess that makes me not a real quilter!

MoeWest said...

I have 4-5 UFOs. Thanks for the giveaway.

Donna said...

Only 4 actual UFOs in their own project box, but oh, so many in my little quilting brain.

Tammy said...

Ok ...UFO's I am fairly new to quilting so I only have 3 quilting projects unfinsihed byt I have tons of craft and sewing things that need finishing. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway

Jane's Quilting said...

I only have 2 UFO's at this time. I am trying really hard to get rid of them before continuing to another project. I just love the Stonehenge fabric line. Thank you for the chance to win some.

Sheila said...

I have about fifteen UFOs waiting for attention, but I'll admit I just finished a year-long UFO challenge, finishing up 25 of them in 2012!!.......thanks for the chance to win!

Kate Brown said...

Fabulous Fabric!!! Well, I hate to count but I think I have 11. :) Merry Christmas and thanks for the chance!

Rina Mason said...

I have 3, one that needs quilted, one that needs some applique stitching finished and one that needs a line of quilting ripped out.

nicolesender said...

I have 6 quilt UFO's but I can't even guess the number of knitting and crocheting projects that are patiently waiting for completion.

Sue said...

I have two children's quilts to finish and I don't know how many placemats. I start a set and then decided I want to try another pattern and start another. HELP!

Patricia said...

Well more than anyone else has posted.I made my first quilt in 1976 and have a spread sheet that list all the ones that have surfaced. The total would be too embarrassing to admit to. Yet I cut out 2 more in the last month.

Unknown said...

I am happy follower from Italy. thank you for this great chance. hugs Alessandra

Nanbon44 said...

I Have 5 quilts for my grandkids that will not get done for Christmas, two baby quilts that I did for fun, two for my bed and one that my Mom started and we worked on together when I stayed with her during her Chemo treatments, she passed before we could finish and that is the hardest quilt for me to finish alone.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

You made me smile! I love that you can't call yourself a quilter if you do not have any UFOs. Well, I have not counted but that is about to change. My girlfriend and I are going to work real hard this next year to knock out some of our UFOs. I probably have 25-30, all in different stages.

Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


Betsy said...

I am a follower. Thank you for the chance to win this lovelyfabric.

legato1958 said...

I have about 3 UFO's ... small projects, luckily. My daughter cast off the stitches on an afghan, at Thanksgiving, so it could be completed!

Thanks for the giveaway!

debbie said...

I have 15-20 UFOs. They are in the topics of quilting,applique,cross stitch, pillows, and dolls. I am quite ok with this because I choose what I will work on by my mood at the time! This is what makes it fun for me. I am a new follower too. debbie

Margaret said...

I have 10 ufos right now. I am a follower

Marsha Clark said...

I have at least 7 UFO's

I just signed up for your blog with my E-Mail.

Thanks for the chance !!!
Happy Quilting !!!

Angie T said...

Just became a follower. I just started quilting, and have finished all the projects I have started so far, except for the one I'm working on now.

Richard Healey said...

I think I have 10-12 UFO's Thanks for giveaway.

Karyn said...

I am a new GFC follower. I have at least 7 UFO's that instantly came to mind...which means I prob have more like 15 when I start digging and going "oh yeah, forgot about you". I most want to finish my 2 color that I started with toile (cranberry/off white). I just absolutely love it (and it's for me...which is why it's last in the pile)

cyndiofthevortex said...

Maybe less than 50 but at least more than 25! I'll join you in getting some of them finished up next year. I'm a new follower and I'd love to win your fabric giveaway!

VickiT said...

I am a new follower and email subscriber as well.

I have two UFO's but please don't be jealous. One is waiting for time at a quilter I want to finish it up for me and the other is my very first quilt project, a table runner which only needs the binding finished. But, don't be jealous that's all I have. It doesn't mean I had mad skills at starting and finishing my projects. It means more often than not, I am afraid to start a new project. LOL I have this thing of wanting to start and work until something is finished. That sometimes gets in my way because I don't like having unfinished projects so it many times just freezes me from getting started if I know I won't finish. I MUST get over that. ugh.

joyce said...

I have four. I really want to finish my flannel rag quilt this year.

joyce said...

I have four. I really want to finish my flannel rag quilt this year.

Jeneta said... a guess, about a dozen! I WILL finish them in 2013!

haddie said...

Well you had to ask but I really don't wan to admit it I have at least 10 UFO's right now.... BUt I am finishing two for Christmas presents... I just found your blog...Sweet!! and thanks for the chance to win.

Dolores Quilts said...

Too many!!!!! Probably over twenty, with my unfinished quilts, bags, and other projects!

Karrie said...

I have about 15. Some are just flannel blankets, so it's not too bad, and I'll probably knock those out of my way first. Thanks for the chance to win.

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