Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Giveaway Extravaganza is here!

For those of you who are my "likers" on FB, and how horrible is it that they took away the "fan" button and replaced it with "like" because "likers" is just terrible English, you may have seen that throughout 2011, every month I am giving away a little prize to new "likers" (there it is again) for the month. If this is the first you are hearing of it, clearly you need to visit the page now and then.

For the first three months I kept the prizes smallish and the pool of eligible winners was only new "likers" (ugh - it just gets worse each time I write it). But for this month, in honor of my brand new pattern which if UPS ever brings me the box of my first printing will be out any moment now, I am giving away a real live actual quilt, and anyone who cares to enter to win may do so.

Here's the quilt:

It's a 23" x 45" table runner or wall hanging using fabulous spring-y fabrics purchased from my favorite quilt shop, Bunkhouse (www.bunkhousequiltshop.com) and looks great on a table, wall, or even hanging off the side of the garage since the lighting was terrible inside the house and I'd appreciate you not telling my husband about how I use the garage for this purpose and allow him to believe those little tack holes are just imperfections in the wood.

Thank you.

Anyway, here's how you win this joyous bundle of quilted heaven:

1. Go to www.facebook.com/EvaPaigeQuiltDesigns.

2. Locate the post featuring this picture (posted 4/26).

3. Hit the share button - this will post the photo on your wall along with what I wrote.

4. Make sure to tell your friends why you are posting it when it asks you to "say something about this". Otherwise they might think you are now in the business of randomly hanging quilts up on your garage and taking their photos. And we can't all be in that business, now, can we?

5. Be sure to then comment "SHARED" under the original post on the EPQD page. Otherwise I won't know you shared it, won't be able to thank you, and won't be able to enter your name in the drawing.

Frequently asked questions about this contest:

Where is the "share" button?

It's right under the post, next to like and comment. It may be shy, because it only shows up when photos or things like that are posted, but it's very important and works like a charm.

Do I have to become a "liker" to enter?

Yes, I believe that in order to share the post and photo, you do need to be a liker. You would also need to be a liker to comment on the post, thus telling me that you shared it and entering yourself in the contest.

Must I stay a "liker" forever? Frankly I can only take so much of you.

Believe me, I completely understand. I feel the same, but yet I can never get away from me. Absolutely not, you do not need to stay a liker forever. However you will need to be a liker when the contest is over, so try to stick around until May 1. After that, if you want to unlike the page, please feel free. I'd love to have you stay and check it out now and then because overall it tends to be fun, but you are under no obligation to do so.

Can we please stop saying "liker"?

Yes, because we are done.

Share share share and like like like! Thank you


A.G. Lindsay said...

Since you're going to tell your husband about the little holes in the garage wall, can I also blame you for the same kind of little holes in the top of my porch if my landlord asks about them? (hee!)

Jen of ReannaLily Designs said...

I'm going to share this link to promote further liker-ing of your great site! =)

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