Monday, December 6, 2010

Pardon me, that the Quilt Pattern Magazine?

It's December 6, so that means it is my turn to tell you of the wonders of the new e-zine for quilters launching soon, Quilt Pattern Magazine,

Now, if you have been keeping up with the blog tour, you know that this is a totally online magazine, and being a person who likes to hold things in my actual hands, like books (I will NEVER own a Kindle! Ever! Or so I think now-but I don't see changing my mind!) or quilt patterns, I honestly have historically been a little bit skeptical of exclusively downloadable things. (QPM powers that be, please read on because I am going somewhere good with this, I promise!) Those who know this about me are probably a little suprised to see me advertising this product, but I am thinking there might be several of you out there in bloggerland who might be reading about this magazine on the blogs but may still be a little skeptical about a magazine that doesn't allow you to wait by the mailbox bi-monthly for your little bit of quilting heaven. You are to whom I dedicate this post, because I understand you well.

But hotties, unless your mailcarrier is a studly specimen, what fun is waiting by the mailbox? With QPM, you just head to the website from any computerific device you use to get to the internet, and you can view, download and print any projects or pages you like, any time day or night. Instead of magazine organizers full of years and years worth of your favorite magazines, a large three ring binder to put your chosen QPM projects into will be more than enough for several years - unless you are the type who needs to make every last project in every magazine you read. Then you might need two binders. And to you, I ask "When do you sleep, and can I have your stash when you are gone?"

So that leads us to the obvious and very PC benefit of this magazine - it is way green. It doesn't clutter up your shelves now or the landfills later. You really don't ever even have to print hard copies of the projects if you instead save them on a CD and work off the computer, making you a tree saver extraordinaire. If you do want to print but be as green as possible, there is always the option of printing on the back of your kids' homework or on paper that has some random thing on it that you screwed up when doing a print job. Not that I know a thing about that. In any case, this is a magazine you can feel good about because you will be doing your little part not only to beautify the world with your quilts, but save the planet as well.

How many of you have recently bought a single issue of any quilting magazine and audibly gasped at the price? I have. Granted I am notoriously cheap, but still. That experience makes the price of $11.95 for an entire year (12 issues (plus one extra!), 65 projects, BOMs, too many cool articles to count) seem downright obscene for it's reasonableness. Amazing what not having to print thousands of copies of a magazine can do for it's price, huh? And Christmas is coming! Why not give a few subscriptions as gifts to your favorite quilters? You can even win a subscription by commenting on this blog or any of the others in the blog tour. So show us some love, and QPM just might show you some back!

Also, if you are a designer, I can tell you from experience these ladies are incredibly supportive, easy to work with, and really give new meaning to quick turn around time on project submissions. With a monthly magazine, chances are they will be looking for good projects all the time, so don't be shy - send in a query!

So did I convince you? I convinced myself a while back, and have already purchased just the cutest paisley binder to keep my "pending projects" in. Go check it out.

Happy downloading!


Bev Crouse said...

I'm convinced and anxiously awaiting the first issue. And I'll be back to visit your blog....

Terri, Head Moose said...

ok Beth, you convinced me - I'm in! I'm heading over to their website right now!

Crystal said...

I also am a die-hard paper book/magazine/pattern person but am so looking forward to QPM. I find myself with little time to read hardcopy magazines these days and they're just increasing the clutter around here:(

Grandma Coco said...

You had me at "studly specimen"!! :) Very funny. I'll be back. Hope to win the subscription, too.

Barbara said...

Anything good enough for Beth, is good enough for me! My privilege to count Beth as a personal friend and mentor.

Laura said...

I'm looking forward to the new online quilting magazine.

Cecilia said...

I have already purchased a "Nook" (gasp!) and love it. It is really great for traveling and I do that a lot now that I have grandchildren. :) I am very interested in this magazine and if I don't win a subscription I will buy one. I have real books in every room of my house and I love the feel of them. Thanks for the giveaway.

crickets said...

I am so convinced and can't wait until the first issue!

Anonymous said...

I am anxiously waiting for the first issue. Cindy always has such great patterns.

Jean said...

i'll be waiting anxiously for the first issue.

Linda said...

Looking forward to the first issue in January!

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of an on-line mag. Cant wait.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and have a paid subsription to the Quilt Pattern eMagazine. Looking forward to it and your blogs! HHorseLover (beginner quilter)

Jill said...

An online magazine - what fun!

Martha said...

I don't want to wait by the mailbox; my carrier is never here on time anyway. Sometimes I get missed! Thanks for helping with the giveaway. I am excited for the first issue to start!!!

Tamera said...

Thanks for the chance at a free subscription.

Tamera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Retired and Loving It said...

Is it Christmas already??? Really looking forward to the magazine. Thanks for sharing your blog with me.

Debbie said...

Great blog, and I'm excited about the "green" magazine.

ksolo59 said...

Love the idea of the online quilt mag - that way I can just print the patterns I'll use! No more stacks of magazines with pages folded over - can't wait to see the 1st issue

QuiltSue said...

Brilliant. Now I can feed my addiction without having to buy a new bookcase.

linwintx said...

I love the idea of a paperless magazine. I'll be eager to see the first issue.

Melissa ;-) said...

Great idea!! I love digital downloads!

Donna Nicholson said...

I love your blog. It's more than an "ad" because you have brought in your personal testimony. I have investigated the magazine and will be subscribing, but it would be nice to have the first year free. :-)

SandyB said...

On-line magazines are the best and a quilt on is even better!!!! I'm ready to join in.

kerrykatiecakes2 said...

I'm convinced! As soon as I know for sure I haven't won a subscription (not that I'm not sitting here with my fingers crossed, lol), I'll head over and treat myself to one!

Lori G. said...

Very excited about the new online magazine!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to all the new lessons to be learned.

Debbie said...

Would love to win, Beth. I like the idea of making a collection of the patterns on my computer.

Debdab said...

Santa is bring me a color Nook so I am delighted with a digital quilting magazine. No need to convince me. Can't wait

Unknown said...

Can't wait until January to get to work. Ideas are flowing.

Gill said...

This sounds a great idea - especially for overseas readers! But I'm with you on Kindles!!

Shawkl said...

Love the magazine's format. Obviously a lot of care and thought has gone into it's design. If that care is also taken on the content...I expect this will be one successful endeavor!!

Marianne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy H said...

I think the idea of storing the quilt patterns on the computer is a good one. I am running out of room in the bookcase. I also like the block of the month as I always have fun with them.

Bec Clarke said...

I was already sold on the idea before I got here but now I am twice over sold. I can't wait, am very excited.

Anonymous said...

I need some inspiration after all the cold weather and snow. I'm looking forward to Spring things! this magazine will be just the thing!

fabricpixie said...

Another great idea and way to promote our quilting community!

Marianne said...

Looking forward to the new emagazine. I would love to win a subscription.

Mystica said...

Wonderful idea. Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the magazine, so excited

Laine said...

I am anxiously awaiting. I for one am tired of the price of a single issue of a quilt magazine in the store. Plus they are full of advertisements.

autumnesf said...

Sticker shock on single issues keeps me from buying almost every time. This is a great concept!

Lori said...

LOL My mail carrier is definitely not studly! This online mag looks great. Can't wait until January!

Back Porch Extras said...

I just subscribed to the new
e-magazine as never win and didn't want to miss the first issue. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a subscription to this magazine. I like the idea that it is online and I keep what I want or copy it to a disk for future rerference.

Unknown said...

Great idea - can't wait!!

Micki said...

Love hosting such a great magazine idea.

tich said...

This is a great idea, and the patterns look wonderful. Thanks for posting about it.

mtnquiltr said...

Count me in! An online quilt magazine would be just the thing in my house! By the way, your blog is so funny!

Jocelyn said...

Yes the price of magazines is mind boggling. This is a great idea. Thanks for offering a subscription to try it out :-)

scarlette said...

Yep the new quilt pattern magazine looks Hot

Nancy Sue said...

I love the idea of the online magazine. Great green way to start 2011! Thank you for participating in the blog tour!

Jo E said...

Count me in! I can't wait for my first issue!

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