Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"And More!" Again and Loving It....QM's 100 Blocks Volume 10

Well, actually, it's here. Details.
By now you are either well aware of the fact that Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 10 is out this week, or you have been living in a cave. Granted, if said cave was in Scotland in 1745 and you were sharing it with a certain red-headed Scot, you are excused. But otherwise I am certain you landed here as part of the blog tour to celebrate, so welcome to Quilting Hottie Haven and my own little celebration of inclusion in this landmark volume of the 100 Blocks series! You'll note that as in Volume 8, I'm firmly part of the "And More!" crowd, and that is all fine with me. If you put all the And Mores from all 10 volumes together you would have a seriously awesome rave going and I'd hate to miss that.

If you've seen my video, which looks like it was shot in semi-darkness by an 11 year old because indeed it was shot in semi-darkness by an 11 year old, you've seen a little preview of my block. Maybe you also entered my "Cutting Room Floor" contest on my facebook page and threw out a guess of why I was wearing that big old button, the explanation having been left on the cutting room floor when the video was edited for length. Congratulations to Becki Morrison, who while not completely correct in her guess of "for those who need over 50 font," she was the closest to my delight in being a part of QM's 100 Blocks "because of the really delicate and subtle jewelry they send you." So size, and all things involved in it, mattered in this case.

Woo hoo!
My block, Puddle Jumper, is #975, which I love because that's a really easy number to remember forever and for always. God forbid I ever have to save the life of anyone by reciting what numbers my blocks have been in the 100 Blocks series, but I thank QM for making this one easy.

Despite my better judgement, Puddle Jumper was so named due to the fabric colors used. It's a method I really try not to employ in my quilt or block naming, but rules were made to be broken. I thought the aqua middles to these blocks looked like puddles, so there you go. Sometimes there's a good story behind a quilt name, and sometimes the story just sucks.  Unfortunately, this is one of those times. But who cares - it made the volume, so I'm happy!

A few weeks ago I wrote this blog post, which explains a little bit about why the block in the magazine looks nothing like the one I'm holding in the video. Although Kelly Eisenger at QM read and thoroughly enjoyed my post and immediately sent me a photo of my block so that I could whip up a new one, there are even more reasons I chose to go with a completely new color scheme:

  • I was out of the teal batiks
  • I make too many teal/purple quilts (see background of video for exhibit A)
  • I rarely use red, so I thought "What the heck?"
  • I believe whole-heartedly in putting a spin on any design, and this includes my own, because making something exactly the same way over and over again is boring.
Using the block in the video, I whipped this cute little baby quilt up last week, using four of the blocks and some pieced sashing.

I'm thinking of calling this "Rampant Viral Illness" as it looks a bit like measles and my youngest daughter was sick with a horrid flu the entire week I was making it. There. That's a way better quilt naming story for you.
Virus-like or not, I think the quilt is pretty cute, and shows a new variation on some setting ideas for my block. My older two daughters think it is the ugliest quilt I have ever made. I'm no longer feeding them until they take it back. PS, they are wrong, and clearly have not seen my trunk show featuring some of my early creations.

Pretty quick and simple
I played with the block in EQ7 a bit and came up with a few more design ideas for you.

Throw five blocks set on point with some setting triangles and you have a long table runner. Extra points to the first person to get one done by Thanksgiving next week.

Or eliminate the sashing or setting triangles and just play with the background fabrics a little for a cool secondary thing going on.

The block in the above mock-up was done all scrappy, and you can see the difference in movement between it and a the blocks shown previously. Both are great (if I do say), and it just depends on whether you are going for a more planned or a more scrappy look.

A little more planned

A little more scrappy
If you do use this block in any of your upcoming projects, I'd love to see!

My fabulous blog sponsor, Fat Quarter Shop, has graciously agreed to augment my giveaway prize of a copy of 100 Blocks Volume 10 with a $35 gift certificate to their online shop. Aren't they just the best?

To enter, all you have to do is comment below telling me what you are currently working on, and how long you've been working on it. Is it a table runner kit you bought yesterday and plan to complete this weekend? Or is it a Baltimore album you started before Baltimore was even a city? Let's inspire each other with our stick-to-it-iveness for the epic projects, and share ideas for quickie projects for when we just can't take one more second of the epic ones.

For a second entry, become a member of my EQPD facebook community, and comment that you did so in the pinned post at the top of that page. It's not mandatory for entry, but it's a fun little community of daily quilty snark and sharing and I'd love to have you be a part of it!

Enjoy the rest of the blog tour and good luck with my giveaway!



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GranChris said...

I just finished 3 quilts for Christmas so it's time to clean the sewing room and start over. I like the block. I see black and white.

Anita said...

I finished pin basting my Modern Maples quilt. I don't feel ready just yet to quilt it, so yesterday I started piecing the Hip-Hopscotch quilt featured in the Quiltmaker blog earlier this fall.

ritainalaska said...

i'm still working on my 'love entwined' applique, ester alui's qal and trying to finish my thanksgiving runner.

Nancy said...

I'm working on a Happy Birthday banner for my first grandchild. We'll be celebrating her birthday at Thanksgiving! I only started it about 2 weeks ago, and can't find a lot of time to work on it! LOL!

Sharon said...

Chugging away on a Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt (in greens and neutrals). Started in January. Oh, and I have a string quilt that I am sewing the back of the binding down on when I watch TV with the men folk in my house. Needing two baby quilts and I like Puddle Jumper so I may have to pick up my 100 Blocks copy today.

Betty Woodlee said...

I'm in the process of setting together row quilt that I got back yesterday at quilter's meeting.

Rommy van Houten said...

I am working don a scrappy hexie quilt for 2 years now. All handwork

Susan said...

I'm making two quilts- a blue and white star one and a scrappy flower garden one! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of volume 10!

Anonymous said...

I'm hand quilting a batik quilt for my guild show in March. Problem is I keep getting inspirations for other quilts and start pulling out fabrics to make them. So many quilts, too little time.

Debbie said...

I've been working on a quilt for 2 months, at least. I bought the fabric probably a year ago and it has been sitting. Top is almost done now. But I did break away and make 3 ties for my daughters new puppy. That is about it. It takes me awhile to get used to the new cold weather. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

What a fun block! Congratulations for having your block in Quiltmakers 100 Vol.10. I'm working on a BOM from my LQS called Snow Days. It's embroidery and pieced blocks and I started this year in January.

Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


Allison said...

I'm working on the quilting part of a quilt for my neighbor. Will it be done by Christmas???

Unknown said...

I am currently working on Christmas mug rugs for my guild's December challenge. It has given me the opportunity to try a few new techniques in a small project that can be completed quickly. I have tried paper piecing, applique in the hoop and some free motion quilting on Christmas fabric. Lots of fun!

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm working on a quick little baby quilt, it's been three days and I hope to finish it today. Love your block.

Andrea Harles said...

Just finished an art quilt for Inspired by the National Parks. Am starting on Christmas gifts and wall hanging for niece or nephew who will be "born" on Dec.15.


Martina said...

I attended a BOM with paperpieced blocks and just finished the top two days ago.
Lobe your block, looks great!

Michele said...

I'm currently working on the Hexie Star Quilt from hell. I've been working on it for more than two years. It is my hand work in the evening and car trip project.

I really like the 3d effect of the scrap version of your block.

Teri said...

I am still working on finishing my mountain of UFOs. Trying to finish strong this year and I can't wait to start lots of new projects in the new year.

Purl Buttons said...

You know how in the old days, whoever was queen of the kitchen would have a kettle on one of the burners on the wood stove? Just using some of that heat and making sure tea could happen at a moment's notice. My TABLE RUNNERS IN PROGRESS STASH is my kettle. I seem to be perpetually in the midst of table runners. Always. Forever.

amy said...

Working on 3 different lap quilts that will be gifted! Have them all cut and sorted as to placement of blocks-just need to start sewing them together!

Julie said...

I am working on table runners for Christmas. I have too many UFO's to count. I liked your scrappy block layout quilt.

Unknown said...

I'm working on a winter quilt and hpe I get it ready for Christmas, working in retail don't help doing this lol

Carrie P. said...

cool block. i really like it set on point.
currently my left arm is in a sling from surgery but before that i was working on 3 BOM quilts.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your block making the book. I'm currently working on handbags for my sisters out of my fathers ties who recently passed for each of them for Christmas, hope to have them done in time.

Sylvia Anderson said...

I would love to make a project using your puddle jumper block Beth, but will have to wait till after the holidays, as I am literally knee deep in lap quilts, table runners, pot holders and a few other Christmas Gifts. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Diane Harris, Stash Bandit said...

Hi Beth, great post! Thanks for being with us on the blog tour. Quiltmaker greatly appreciates you!

Dee said...

I am cutting batik strips to make a couple corded baskets for gifts this weekend.

Janie said...

I am working on a patriotic quilt. I started it in October, almost done. Love your quilt and the different layouts. Thanks for the chance.


Lesley said...

Your block is gorgeous and has so many possibilities. I am working on a three block snowman runner...I embroidered the center block so that took about a week, but putting it together should only take a couple of days. Then I will machine quilt it, so perhaps by the weekend it will be a finish! Thanks for the chance!

vwlady said...

I'm trying to get several Christmas quilts done. Right now working on a foldy pineapple throw for my daughter-in-law. It's a very old pattern, but, she loves one I have so I know she will enjoy this one! Great block!

Vivian said...

I like the quilt of puddle jumper. I am currently working on quilting my forest galorist quilt which was a BOM from 2 years ago.

Auntie Clark said...

I'm working on a tablerunner.

Jocelyn said...

I am working on little handbags for my young nieces as Christmas gifts. I've been working on them for about a month. 5 mades, and a couple more to go :-)

frstborn said...

I'm working on a HUGE paper pieced landscape (it will finishe at 36" x 60")

CyndyK said...

I love your Puddle Jumper block! Also, thanks for showing various layouts for different looks. I'm currently working on a baby quilt. I just need to finish the binding. I worked on it 1 day, a month ago and finally picked it up again last night. Cynthia

Desi said...

Love your block!

Lisa said...

I'm just now starting a Present Quilt for Christmas. I hope to finish by then!

patty a. said...

I am working on a quilt for QuiltCon. I have been working on it for several months.

Pat K said...

I love your block because it is pieced, meaning I can handle it. Just finished a lap quilt and plan on starting some quilts for Project Linus after the holidays.

cityquilter grace said...

my current project is a scrappy shenandoah log cabin sofa throw, pattern by judi martin, and scraps from my stash...this was started on annual quilty retreat in oct, held in lancaster, pa...and what a versatile block you have many possibilities!

Unknown said...

Working on a version of the Heartstrings Quilt by Jennifer Rounds & Friends as a gift for my daughter-in-law. She deserves the love.

Angie said...

Wait- I'm still hung up on the fact that you ran out of teal batiks! But right now I am sworn to get some tops quilted before I start anything new. I swear!

kck83 said...

My current got-to-get-finished project is a quilt top my mother pieced, I'm quilting in big stitches and going to give to a friend who really needs a little comfort and warmth this winter.

Karen said...

I am working on an embroidered Christmas quilt. But two quilts I am piecing have been put aside until I get this one finished.

Kwilt Krazy said...

Such a pretty block that you designed! I am working on a batman quilt for my granddaughter. She is 5 and yes, she has a crush on batman LOL

Gwen said...

I am finishing up some UFO's with their binding on some long overdue gifts.

LG said...

Yes, I've got a zillion "small" things going, including a pillow for my daughter for college.

Rebecca said...

Right now I have to "finish a baby quilt for a shower this weekend... working on it for 2 days cause that's when the Mickey mouse fabric that the mother wanted got here!

Anonymous said...

I am currently working on a set of 4 quilted pillow covers for my living room. Been working on them for about 2 weeks now. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Kathy said...

Currently working on two baby quilts. One I just started a couple of weeks ago the other I started in May.

Judy D in WA said...

I'm setting blocks together for my Sister's Choice quilt-the blocks have been marinating for 7 years!! Love your block.

juliehallfeldhaus said...

I am finishing up a quilt my daughter made over 15 years ago:) Thanks

Marilyn S said...

my most recent quilting project is a one block wonder. I have yet to make the sashing and get it finished. It will probably have to wait until after the holidays since I decided to make a quilt for my hubby for Christmas and need to get busy with the fabric that I mail ordered and arrived last week. Thanks!

Sandra said...

I really love that Rampart Viral Illness quilt. I am going to make it. Was going to make it for my spouse, but he's not really into those bold colors. Withholding dinner could possibly change his mind. Maybe I will just make it anyways and that will be one of his presents or wait until he gets sick; hope he doesn't. I am currently working on a Christmas Quilt called Fair Isle. It's gonna be just beautiful. Thank you for being a part of this Blog Tour; sharing your block with us and the chance to win that awesome magazine with the wonderful gift certificate.

Sandi Timmons

Pat said...

1310I am working on a second Christmas tree skirt for the past week so I can quilt both of them in time for Christmas.

Vicki H said...

I'm not in the middle of anything right now. I need to get started on zipper pouches I plan to give as gifts.

Darlene B said...

I just finished a baby quilt and need to start one of the many other quilt ideas that I have in my head....or look at all the patterns I've accumulated...

Judy1522 said...

I love your block. I have a couple of prjects I am currently working on. A Christmas quilt and the first block in a BOM I joined.

Rachel said...

I'm working on a couple of sets of pot holders for Christmas gifts and soaking some pre-cuts that proved themselves to be bleeders after the first quilt blocks were assembled. I think I'll gift this quilt with a handful of color catchers. :/ Thanks for the chance to win!

Rozz01 said...

I'm using scraps to make a Carpenters Wheel baby quilt. Luv your wit!

Karen Smith said...

I'm working on a Jacob's Ladder quilt in red and white for my son and my daughter-in-law for their wedding - which was 5 years ago! I plan to finish it by next Christmas. BTW, I've bookmarked your blog - your sense of humor is such a good match for mine!

Kathy L said...

I like your block. I'm working on using more of my scraps in a scrap quilt. Been doing that for at least a year!

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

Congratulations on having your block included in the 100 Block Book. #975 is truly a great block! Working on completing a quilt started in a class several years ago. May not happen before Christmas!

Quilting Babcia said...

Just moved across the country and only have my old Singer 301 and one box of strings available, so stitching 4 inch string blocks until we're in our new home in a month or two.

Quilting Babcia said...

Just visited and commented on your FB page!

SonjaM said...

I am newer at this but seem to have way to many projects going lol. I only make quilts. I have been doing it for a year and a half. I am 38 and a recently disabled nurse. I am making a copd quilt for a hospice patient just waiting for family portraits to be printed by family to complete, working on another quilt for a friend in a nursing home just have to get the courage up to finish center piece which is an applique and I am just learning how. I have been working on a 8x9 hand stitched quilt for my daughter for about a year and now my 15 year old daughter has me assisting her with her very first baby quilt lol Please contact me at And I really like the patterns congrats definitely something I would like to try

~Kris~ said...

I am currently sewing together 11 rows of 15 squares for our local homeless shelter. Because that seems too boring and because the people who cut the squares (other guild members) must have had a night on the town before cutting them and because I am not going to match up all those corners EVER, I am offsetting each row so it looks more like bricks. Hope to be done today. Started on Saturday.

Diane said...

I'm working on a Halloween BOM. "Hopefully" will be done by next Halloween, but there is a lot of embellishing yet to be added!

Denise :) said...

You know, I love purples and turquoises, so I loved your block when I first saw it . . . but when I scrolled down and saw it in the red, black and white colorway, it was stunning! Wow! I'm working on a POTC piece that I've just started on ... and will probably be working on for the next year or two or three . . . !! Nicely done on the block -- I'm adding it to my "must make" list! :)

Southwest Quilting Bee said...

I'm quilting a gift for my nephew

Regina said...

Great block - I am prepping for a craft show so lots of little fabric ornaments, baskets, gift bags, sachets, more ornaments, a few throw quilts, and even more ornaments... plus I am charge overall for the whole show, so not much time for anything else.

roberta mill said...

I guess I'm the 'pace car' working on guild monthly mystery block and jaybird quilts BOM Park Bench.

Elizabeth said...

Can definitely see the puddle; you could add frogs or leaves or twigs, etc. for fun or for a hidden object baby/toddler quilt....

Last week my monthly craft group started the Winter Skinny (holiday candle) from QM and I'm up to the appliqueing--it's all laid out and ready to go.

Linda B said...

I am working on my son's and his girlfriend's quilt....It seems to be taking me forever, but will be finished by the end of the month

BizyStitches said...

I won a kit that was a table runner. It only took 3 hours to put the top together. Out of my stash I pieced the back and got it quilted. Than it sat for about 4 days before I could get started on the binding. I just finished it and love how it looks on my table. Thanks for the fun and I love your block.

Unknown said...

I am trying to finish quilting my daughters quilt to have it ready by christmas. I also have to finish quilting my Aunt's quilt to ship to her for Christmas too. Congrats on being chosen for the magazine. I love the block, especially in the aqua color way.

Gill said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for Rosa who is already 3 months old!!

MissPat said...

I have 4 active projects being juggled.

Celtic Solstice, Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt from last November. I have one piano key border sewn on.
An I Spy disappearing nine patch that I'm sewing down the binding.
A Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt that I started 5 or 6 weeks ago for my brother-in-law who is undergoing treatment for leukemia
A batik quilt started last week at a quilt retreat which is actually for me.
Love your block and your sassy comments.

Deborah said...

Just biding my time working on a UFO from this summer until Bonnie's GIMQ starts on the 28th.poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

alaskamarge said...

Well, I have been working on a paper pieced eagle flying over a canyon for at least 10 years, give or take, but I will get it done...sometime. Made lots of blocks since but haven't worked on that. Love your block! Thanks for sharing.

Barb Johnson said...

What am I NOT working on is a better question. I have way too many WIPs to count, and I can't find the one I really want to finish :-< That's what happens when your sewing room has to turn back into the dining room on a regular basis. I'm sure I put it in a perfectly logical place...

Anonymous said...

I just finished a table runner. It's my first project and it took about a week. I work full time and just had a few hours here and there to do it. I'm getting ready to make a dress clothes pin bag as a gift for a friend. My next quilting project will be a baby quilt for my daughter. I need to get started on that to make sure it's ready in time.

I love your Puddle Jumper block. It makes me feel happy and I can think of so many combinations to use with it.

Dawn said...

I'm currently working on a potholder, I'm new to sewing. It should be done by now, but I hot busy and set it aside.
dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

Donna said...

I am working on Fabric microwave bowls.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Debbie said...

Well let's see making a flannel quilt for a new son in law just started it last week and should be quilting it by next week also doing some redwork emboarafy for several years will make a great quilt someday. So some last a long time and I get right on and finish. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I Love your block! I still trying to decide what I want to make for Christmas this year! I'm a bit behind - ya think?! Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of 100 blocks and thanks to Fat Quarter Shop for supplying a gift card! :)
Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com

Brenda E. said...

I have a table topper that is SUPPOSED to be a present. Also working on some crochets item for gifts also.....working retail this time of year blah!

Anonymous said...

I'm now following you on facebook! Thanks for another chance to win! ;)
Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com

JanineMarie said...

What a versatile block! I just started a baby quilt this week for my grandson-to-be. It has to be done by January because he's due by the middle of the month. I'm busy throwing fabrics up on the design wall.

karenf said...

you are funny. I'm working on too many things to list but last sewing yesterday was on a future pillow top. Its from a Carol Ann Waugh class with lots of raw edges and layers.

WoolenSails said...

I am working on a pillow that I am making for a friend. I made a spencerian stitchery last year and now i am making it into a pillow for her.


Kathryn said...

I've just finished binding a quilt that was one of my UFOs from 2010. Now on to a Christmas stocking for a granddaughter.

cynthia said...

I am basting a quilt made up of thirty years of orphan blocks!

Loris said...

Well, you are kind of a crack up :-) I think I have to follow your blog just for the humor if not for the quilty inspiration!
I'm currently working on gifts...need to quilt two small lap quilts and am starting a cute little table topper that will be adorned with snowman buttons. Thank you for participating in the tour and for the chance to win a copy...and a gift certificate too? amazing!!

Sarah said...

I love the Viral name for that quilt! Thanks for the laugh! Also, why WERE you wearing that big button? :) So, what I'm working on are potholders. I'm supposed to be making a babyquilt, but I'm stalling with potholders. :)

Jennifer said...

I'm currently quilting a fun jelly roll quilt for my daughter, as her Christmas present (she put a new quilt on her Christmas wish list for santa - can't disappoint the girl!).

Laura said...

Made several projects this summer so now catching up on a local shop's BOM. I love the black, white and red block almost as much as the teal, blue and purple one!

Unknown said...

8120Yesterday, I sandwiched a quilt made from blue and white squares I won from my guilds BOM in September. I sashed it in red. It is for my cousin who has retuned to the states after living in the Netherlands. He is waiting for his wife and kids to emigrate. I thought it would be a nice "welcome" gift.

Lisa England said...

I'm working on a baby quilt I started about a week ago. The request was for lilac and grey which sounded bad to me -- first, lilac is probably my least favorite color ever, and second, paired with grey it sounded like there would be no contrast at all. So I threw in some white and many shades of both lilac and grey and just a tiny bit of bright yellow, and some cute paper pieced birds. Now I'm loving the whole thing! Love your block variations and (always) your blog posts.

Sandi1100 said...

I'm working on a Twister quilt using the Twister ruler that I bought about 4 years ago. It's about time that I finally used it. It is in Halloween fabrics and will probably be a Project Linus quilt. Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

What am I working on??? What corner doesn't have a UFO lurking in it? However, I vowed to myself this morning that before I did anything else i'd label all the Threads of Love items that have collected here... hats, tiny quilts, memory envelops etc and get them off to the respective hospitals. Then I can move on to sewing down the binding on a charity quilt :) K

Annmarie said...

I'm working on a blue & yellow quilt summer quilt for my bed. Bought the fabric 3 years ago. Too late for this past summer but I've vowed to finish it so I have it next summer! Your block is awesome - so versatile. I'm going to make that table runner - just not by next week!

Terri Lyn said...

I am working on Editya Star's Dresden Bloom. Loving it and hating it at the same time.

Terri Lyn said...

Editya Star's Dresden Bloom

Terri Lyn said...

Editya Star's Dresden Bloom and I love it hate it.

Jeanne said...

I am trying to finish a mystery quilt I started a year ago.

Dorothy H said...

Lovely in all the colour ways you put it in! I am working on pot holders for X-mas giveaways! Never done this before and is fun!

tac73 said...

I'm working on a baby quilt which I just started.

Quilting Tangent said...

Been working on my 1st quilt, a hand pieced queen sized, reversible quilt for the past few years. Finally got to the basting stage.

Terri said...

Love it Beth! The EQ example of Puddle Jumper is like a mirage...moving all by itself. As for me and my sewing...I have the binding sewn on the backs of 5 quilts!!! Yay! Today I hope to top stitch them all to the fronts... Does that mean I'm caught up on binding?? NO!! BOO! There are still at least three more needing binding. attention span for binding is at it's limit with 5! I am in the middle of a string pieced pattern called Tulip Fields. I have 2 of 8 rows sewn together. At least the blocks are finally done!

Lee Ann L. said...

I am not really working on anything at the moment other than remodeling the garage into sewing room.
Your block is so versatile!

Andee said...

Great block! I am currently working on all kinds of stuff. I am doing several BOM that end in Dec. so hopefully they will turn into flimsys in Dec!

Anonymous said...

My sewing machine is just back from the repair man. I have several seasonal wall quilts that need to be finished and a few more that need to be started.

kt said...

I am currently working on 4 quilts for Christmas that I started in the spring. Cool block--love how it looks so different in different color combos and settings.

Lisa E said...

I'm working on an embroidery project called "Truly Scrumptious". It's been a while! Thank you for sharing your wonderful block and funny story!

Lori said...

your block is lovely. It is so versatile and the name is perfect. In fact all your names are great. For the last 3 months I have been working on a king sized quilt for our sons wedding. It is civil war blocks using civil war materials. It is taking a bit longer than I had anticipated. LOL

Lori said...

Oh my it said my comment was saved yet there was no captcha to see. Lori
If it did show up please delete this one. If not. I am working on a king sized quilt for our sons wedding, it has been 3 months now.

Lori said...

I commented on the EQPD FB page

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm working on the Farmers Wife Sampler today.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I already follow the FB page

barbara woods said...

just started a "Christmas Present' quilt

nan_c said...

Oh to be trapped in a cave with Jamie Fraser!
I am currently working on a rag quilt for my son for Christmas. I just finished putting all the block sandwiched together...145 and now I am ready to put them into rows!

Rhonda said...

I have just finished some fabric food for my granddaughter's birthday. Now I need to finish the doll bed linens for her 18" doll.

tea said...

Love your baby quilt and its name. I am currently working on New York Beauty by Karen Stone and pouch for my Christmas list

Joanna said...

Today I am working on a qal block. The qal began over a year ago and just keeps growing; we're up to block 25.

Peg said...

Mommy bags for our local hospital. These are given to mothers who have little or nothing and contain things like shampoo, etc.

Sandy said...

Got 2 king size quilts finished in time to put on our bed before the cold weather hit. Now am making a couple small Christmas quilts to go on our chairs in the living room.

Madeline said...

I agree that Jamie Fraser is something, but I have my own Scot who just happens to look like Santa Claus, so I'm happy. Today I finished the top of a table runner for my sister COMPLETELY out of my stash!!! This is a last minute deal, as I wont be able to complete the full size bed quilt I had been working on in time. Long story why not, but that's the way it is.

Kathy E. said...

I've been dying to know why you wore that BIG I know! My current project is almost finished. I'm making my son a Christmas tree skirt. I bought the pattern on Etsy and changed it a bit. Today was "Binding Day" and that is not my favorite.

Unknown said...

I'm working on 3 boms I'm way behind on, and I've got about 2 quilt tops ready for basting! One is that birthday cake block from the Jolly Jabber and I made it into a lap quilt because it was so cute! I love your block and can't wait to try it! Thanks so much!

Linda V said...

I follow on FB. Thanks for the giveaway

JoyceLM said...

I'm working on come Christmas table mats that I started before Christmas last year. They might become presents this year. Thanks.

JANET said...

I had to stop the current quilt I am working on to make Christmas presents to be sent in the mail soon. I would like to finish the quilt I started for my son a last year, before I got in a car accident that limited my sewing adventures.

JANET said...

I follow on fb.

Unknown said...

I'm a Facebook follower and I commented! Thanks

Lee said...

I am working on a Eagle Scout quilt for my nephew! I have been working on it for about 3 months now. Thank you!

Linda V said...

A frozen quilt and two puppy quilts.

Julie S said...

I think I would have named your block "accordion"!

I am making vests to be worn by the men in my daughter's choir...they are singing for Victorian Christmas shows!

OhioLori said...

Working on two different Hand Applique Wallhangings..and I am sooo first try at Applique. Tho smallish projects, I so procrastinate at working on them..and plan to give for Christmas gifts! Arrrgh!!!

Shona P said...

Love the movement in your block - at present I am procrastinating but I should be finishing my Leah Day Building Blocks quilt. She also thinks perfection is over rated so I think you would be kindred spirits!

SandyMay said...

I just finished making 21 mug rugs and 54 potholders, so I am bordering on burn-out. But, I am getting ready to embellish some dish towels for a Xmas gift and am working on a red and white Xmas wallhanging.
swalker287(at)aol(dot) com.

Slice of Pi said...

I am working on the second of three memory quilts for three siblings out of their late mother's fabric stash. I think I got the box of fabrics in July, but have both two and three halfway done! Hoping to have them to the quilter by Christmas.

Lyn said...

Right now, instead of something quilty, I'm working on a MKAL (mystery knit-a-long) shawl. said...

love the zigzag table runner setting of the block...I am currently working on the quilting part of a Xmas pineapple block quilt....I have been working on it since Aug is a bit over 1/2 quilted as of today....

Anonymous said...

for last 7 days am working on a little topper.I had few HST leftover ,made some more and assembly them as a wreath.what is left is the quilting...thank you

Unknown said...

I absolutely do love your block! And I also love your sense of humor! I bet you would be a real kick at a "Quilt Retreat". Maybe you would like to join us on our next one.?

Cecilia said...

I'm quilting a top for my youngest daughter that I started in May. It is taking a while, but it will be done for Christmas. Great block and thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm working on an art piece for my baby's room. I use fabric for my art. I would love some new fabric. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the samples of your blocks made into several different arrangements. It is a keeper, but right now I am working on a turkey for a wallhanging on my mom's room at the nursing home, Something quick, I hope, time is wasting. ha. Kathy in Colo

Cecilia said...

I liked and commented on your Facebook page.

Angelia Lanouette said...

I am working on a EPP project that I started a few weeks ago. I also need to finish an arm chair caddy that I started just before I was in a car accident in April and broke my knee now that I can finally sit at my machine. Thank you!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I like your block! I'm working on assembling some Bonnie Hunter Strip Twist blocks. It will be a quilt for my husband.

Veronika said...

I am currently working on a baby quilt for my 2 year old - eek! I bought the fabric last Christmas and hemmed and hawed about the design for 8 months...I finally started sewing and hope to have it for her finished for this Christmas :) slowly but surely...

Janet said...

I am working (ad nauseum for the last several years) on a grandmother's flower garden quilt. I said at the beginning of last winter that I was going to focus on it for the winter. Well I am focusing on it for the winter again this year. :) It's okay though because a) I love hand sewing, b) It is actually starting to look like a quilt, c) I forgot what c was....

Bonnie said...

I love your Puddle Jumper block, especially in the purple background scrappy look quilt. I just started working on a Christmas table runner for the holiday. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

Farm Quilter said...

I am working on getting my quilts quilted - have about 50 tops-in-waiting! Love your there is going to be another top to make!!! I rather like the name of your block :)

KathySue said...

Love your block. I am currently working on a retirement gift quilt for a friend of mine. It could be moving along a little quicker, but I keep getting sidetracked. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

Diane Beavers said...

Cutting out an insulated lunch tote. Pieced the front side fabrics together 3 weeks ago, finally quilted those to t he batting yesterday. Today Icut the lining and insul-brite for the entire lunch tote. Thursday I plan to stitch it together.

Diantha said...

I am making a lap top for my daughter. I started it in June. The 48 squares are hand appliqued, so I just recently finished them. I am in the process of sewing them together now.

I like the different looks you can get from your block.

@lutzcats said...

WOW WOW WOW love Puddle Jumper. And all the variations and settings. I'm working on applique of a Pirate Quilt...for myself!!!

carol said...

I am working on a nativity set to go under our Christmas tree and my 14 month old grand daughter can play with any time without any fears of it breaking or her getting hurt.

Teresa in Music City said...

Love your block! And I enjoyed your FB page - I can tell already that I'm going to enjoy your posts :) I'm currently finishing up a project featuring a block from 100 Blocks #7. I've been working on it since January as a rainbow challenge, making a block from one color each month. I'm excited to have it almost finished!

Margaret said...

I am working on a snow village right now. I am almost finished so now on to the next project.

Cathryn said...

I'm currently working on a small wall hanging that I started in Dec. 2013 (it got shoved to the back shortly there after) and I hope to finish it before the end of November. Wish me luck!

Lori L said...

I am working on 5 inch scrappy blocks for a pineapple quilt, spinoff of Bonnie Hunter's idea. I've been working on it for over a year now. Using scraps from all my quilting friends.

Lady London Berry said...

I am currently working on finishing up some donation quilts for the veterans and the babies in NIC U. I've been working on them all year.

Susanne said...

Love the block- especially in the full quilt!! I hate sashing quilt blocks.
Well, only have final border to do of Lil Twister wreath hanging. Think the edge is wonky, so should I take it off and make sure it's straight ??
A quilt for granddaughter outta fairy fabrics, having hard time, it's just not working out the way I'd like it to. Friends gave me idea of framing each block with black to unify. We will see if that helps, need for Christmas, hate deadlines! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I've been working on a butterfly quilt for about 4 months.
remills at amtelecom dot net

Nancy said...

I am working on Pam Buda's Market Day that I put on hold for multiple reasons.

NJG said...

I'm working on a Dresden Coin using yellow, black and gray fabrics. I love your block, Puddle Jumper. Congratulations on your block being selected.

Beausoleil Quilts said...

I am currently working on a cushion for a gift, which I started yesterday, I hope to have it finished tonight.

Colleen said...

I have this bed sized quilt that I decided to do dense quilting on - maybe a year ago. I'm still not done. I now hate dense quilting. Truthfully, I haven't done ANY quilting on it for about 6 months, but it sits there making me feel guilty about not finishing.

Diana said...

I started dyeing fabric for a lap quilt for my sister in law for Christmas today . I hope I get it finished before then!

Kylie MJ said...

I have a ton of different modern baby quilts in the works. Lots of tops... not lots of sandwiches though ;)

Christine said...

I'm working on a prayer quilt for a couple of weeks but will need to set that aside temporarily sew I can make some Christmas gifts.

Walter said...

Hmmm..I made 2 autumn leaf table runners but liked them too well to give away so I need to go back to my remaining stacks of projects for a few I might finish in time.

arlette said...

I working in my homework from my quilting class, it's an advanced log cabin block :)

Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. LOVE your block. I have a quilt on my frame that has been there for #$% months (I'm too embarrassed to confess the actual number).

MoeWest said...

I'm working on Christmas gifts that are mostly new projects started too recently. Two gifts are quilts started last year that I hope to get finished in time.

Unknown said...

I have many quilts in the planning stages, and am collecting fabric to try my hand at Midnight at the Oasis, but, I think my next project will be a set of applique tea towels for a gift this Christmas.

Pamela said...

Hmm, I guess I should go count my UFO's. But what I'm currently working on is cosmetic bags for Christmas. I've been working on them for a week, and they are going to get finished! Thanks for the giveaway! And thanks for your great blog! It's beautiful.

Beth said...

Tomorrow I am going to tie a quilt I made for our dog Nanny. I finished the top back in May and then set it aside until I felt up to machine quilting it. This week Nanny was diagnosed with cancer, so no more fooling around--I'm going to tie it and then cuddle up with her in it.

Ellee said...

There are 2 baby quilts and 3 lap quilts in various stages of progress in my studio -- all started this year and scheduled to be given in January. They're all coming along nicely and should all be completed in time. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

tropicslady said...

I'm working on FINISHING! Have several quilt tops lined up and I have been a quilting fool! (Some are five years old.....)

Debbie said...

I'm knitting and I've got block lotto winning blocks sitting next to my sewing machine waiting to be laid out in a setting.

Carmen Goldstein said...

I have been working on a quilt called Love Entwined. Its all handed appliquéd and I've been working on it for about a year and a half. I'm also doing some crazy quilting.

Sherry VF said...

I'm not sure you can say I'm still working on it but my Hunter's Star queen size quilt has been in limbo waiting to be sandwiched and quilted for several months now. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Kathy H said...

I started working on a tree skirt that I started last year. I am hoping to have it finished by this Christmas.

Diana said...

working on Christmas name ornaments for 26 family members. small pieced blocks on the front. embroidered name and date on the backing. started in September. better get busy! thanks.

Rachell said...

Epic stories, huh?! My Sylvia's Bridal Sampler BOM from my local Bernina store, started with their 12- 12" blocks enlarged from the book's 6" blocks. I decided to make mine king-sized to fit my bed, so I cut 42 blocks, which I have now finished. The BOM was started and finished in 2011. But I planned a garden maze setting with four American flag corner posts, which I have yet to put together.....and now I'm going to have to put the top together in three long columns, because I can't fit anything wider than 45" in my domestic machine for quilting it. *sigh* so meanwhile, I have lots of other projects going on.

Vicki said...

I just this morning took out a UFO to work on.

Marie Chat said...

My current project is actually several but I'll talk about just one. I have an almost square panel of the state of Texas which looks like a topographical map including all the counties. I'm going to sash it and put small squares on point around it using different Texas related motifs. Thanks!

betz2u said...

I really like your Puddle Jumper. I like purple and turquoise/aqua together. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine. Congrats on your block being chosen for this edition.

betz2u said...

oops forgot. I am working on a table runner for Christmas and plan to start a mystery quilt next Friday.

Unknown said...

I am working on a couple Christmas gift projects for the grandchildren. said...

I just finished a quilt that I started in 2001. Love your block. Thanks

VA said...

I'm hand quilting a Christmas quilt I made using a book panel of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". I don't think it'll be done by Christmas at the rate it's going. Maybe I'll be early for next year!

patchworkbreeze said...

I am currently working on binding some quilts that I got back from the longarmer a month ago. I am also trying to tidy up my work area for new projects. The block you designed has such wonderful possibilities!

Quilter Kathy said...

A very cool block to try!
I am adding seminole borders to a Bonnie Hunter mystery and it is painful!!

nicolesender said...

I'm sewing a 4 patch quilt that I started in February. It's slowly getting done!

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